View Table Data

To view table data:
  1. Select Datathen selectTables.
  2. Double-click on the table that you want to view.
  3. Select the Table View page.
    On the Table View page, you can control the display by selecting specific columns in the Columns section. The Column Information section displays information about the currently selected column.
    Display showing the Table View page for the HMEQ_PERF_Q4 page
    Note: If the name of the selected column begins with a blank space, the table cannot be displayed.
    Note: The row count might not be displayed, depending on the database with which the table was created.
To sort the table based on the values in a particular column, click on the column heading. If the column is sorted in ascending order, asmall upward triangle appears beside the column heading. When the column is sorted in descending order, a small downward triangle appears.
Last updated: February 22, 2017