Returns a character value after standardizing casing, spacing, and format, and then applies a common representation to certain words and abbreviations.

Valid in: DATA step, PROC SQL, and SCL
Requirement: If specified, the locale must be loaded into memory as part of the locale list.


DQSTANDARDIZE(char, ' standardization-definition' <, locale>)

Required Arguments


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that contains the value that is standardized according to the specified standardization definition.


specifies the name of the standardization definition. The definition must exist in the locale that is used.

Optional Argument


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that contains the locale name.

Default The default locale is the first locale in the locale list. If no value is specified, the default locale is used.


In the locales, standardization definitions are provided for character content such as dates, names, and ZIP codes. The available standardization definitions vary from one locale to the next.
The return value is provided in the appropriate case, with insignificant blank spaces and punctuation removed. The standardization definition that was specified in the DQSTANDARDIZE function might standardize certain words and abbreviations. The order of the elements in the return value might differ from the order of the elements in the input character value.

Example: DQSTANDARDIZE Function

The following example standardizes four names using the NAME standardization definition from the ENUSA locale. The following example assumes that the ENUSA locale has been loaded into memory as part of the locale list.
data _null_;
   length name stdName $ 50;
   input name $char50.;
   stdName=dqStandardize(name, 'Name');
   put 'Name:' @10 name /
       'StdName:' @10 stdName /;
House, Kenneth
House, Mr. Ken W.
After this function call, the SAS log displays the following information:
Name:   HOUSE, KEN
StdName: Ken House
Name:   House, Kenneth
StdName: Kenneth House
Name:   House, Mr. Ken W.
StdName: Mr Ken W House
Name:   MR. KEN W. HOUSE
StdName: Mr Ken W House