DQMATCH Function

Returns a match code from a character value.

Valid in: DATA step, PROC SQL, and SCL
Requirement: The specified locale must be loaded into memory as part of the locale list.


DQMATCH(char, 'match-definition' <,'sensitivity'> <,'locale'>)

Required Arguments


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that contains the value for which a match code is created, according to the specified match definition.


specifies the name of the match definition. The definition must exist in the locale that is used.

Optional Arguments


specifies an integer value that determines the amount of information in the returned match code. Valid values range from 50 to 95. The default value is 85. A higher sensitivity value includes more information in the match code. In general, higher sensitivity values result in a greater number of clusters, with fewer members per cluster, because matches require greater similarity between input values.


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that contains the locale name.

Default The default locale is the first locale in the locale list. If no value is specified, the default locale is used.


The DQMATCH function parses the input character value and creates a match code. The match code represents a condensed version of the character value. The amount of information in the match code is determined by the sensitivity level. For higher sensitivities, two values must be very similar to produce the same match codes. At lower sensitivities, two values produce the same match codes despite their dissimilarities.

Example: DQMATCH Function

The following example returns a match code that contains the maximum amount of information about the input value.
mcName=dqMatch('Dr. Jim Goodnight', 'NAME', 95, 'ENUSA');

See Also
