Returns the token names in a parse definition.

Valid in: DATA step, PROC SQL, and SCL
Requirement: If specified, the locale must be loaded into memory as part of the locale list.


DQPARSEINFOGET('parse-definition' <,'locale'>)

Required Argument


specifies the name of the parse definition. The definition must exist in the locale that is used.

Optional Argument


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that contains the locale name.

Default The default locale is the first locale in the locale list. If no value is specified, the default locale is used.


The DQPARSEINFOGET function returns the names of the tokens that can be inserted into character values using the DQPARSETOKENPUT function.

Example: DQPARSEINFOGET Function

The following example returns the token names for the parse definition e-mail in the locale ENUSA and displays the token names in the SAS log.
put tokenNames;
After this function call, the value of TOKENNAMES is Mailbox, Sub-Domain, Top-Level Domain, which the names of the three tokens in this parse definition.