Displays current information about a specified locale in the SAS log.

Tip: Specifying no parameters displays the full report for the default locale.


%DQPUTLOC option(s);

Summary of Optional Arguments

lists related parse definition


shortens length of log

SHORT=0 | 1

specifies the local of interest


Optional Arguments


specifies the locale of interest. The value can be a locale name in quotation marks or an expression that evaluates to a locale name. The specified locale must have been loaded into memory as part of the locale list.

Default Locale is the first locale in the locale list.
Requirement Locale must be loaded into memory before this macro is called.
Tip Specifying no parameters displays the full report for the default locale.
See DQSETUPLOC= System Option for additional information.


lists with each gender analysis definition and each match definition and the related parse definition, if the parse definition exists.

Specify PARSEDEFN = 0 if you do not want to display the related parse definitions.
Specify PARSEDEFN = 1 to display the related parse definition.
Default 1

SHORT=0 | 1

Shortens the length of the entry in the SAS log.

Specify SHORT =0 to display the descriptions of how the definitions are used.
Specify SHORT =1 to remove the descriptions of how the definitions are used.
Default 0


The %DQPUTLOC AUTOCALL macro displays the contents of the specified locale in the SAS log. Locale contents include all definitions, parse tokens, related functions, and the names of the parse definitions that are related to each match definition. Knowing the related parse definitions enables the creation of parsed character values. See DQPARSETOKENPUT Function for additional information.
It also enables the creation of match codes for parsed character values. See DQMATCHPARSED Function for additional information.
Load the specified locale into memory with %DQLOAD before you submit %DQPUTLOC.


This example displays in the SAS log definitions, related parse definitions, and related SAS Data Quality Server functions for the ENUSA locale.