What’s New in SAS Task Manager 2.2


SAS Task Manager 2.2 has the following changes and enhancements:
  • new preferences
  • documentation enhancements

New Preferences

Four new user preference settings in SAS Task Manager enable users to perform the following tasks:
  • show or hide the Activity ID and Workflow ID data objects
  • show or hide all data objects that are normally controlled by the HIDE setting on data objects in the workflows themselves
  • set the maximum number of workflows that are viewable in SAS Task Manager at one time
  • control whether certain users, such as administrators, can see not only workflow tasks in which they are participants, but workflow tasks for all users of the system
These new preferences are associated with additional capabilities set by default for certain roles.

Documentation Enhancements

The SAS Task Manager content that was previously available in the SAS MDM: User’s Guide has been moved to this document.