Run a Hadoop SQL Program


Run a Hadoop SQL Program Icon in the SAS Data Loader Window
Use the directive Run a Hadoop SQL Program to create jobs that execute SQL programs in Hadoop. The directive enables you to browse available SQL functions, obtain syntax and usage information, and click to add function syntax into the directive’s text editor. You can also copy and paste existing SQL programs directly into the text editor.
The user credentials that are specified in the Hadoop Configuration panel of the SAS Data Loader Configuration window are used to submit SQL code to the Hadoop cluster.
The Run a Hadoop SQL Program directive enables you to use either Cloudera Impala SQL functions or HiveQL functions.
Note: Similar support for user-written SQL is also provided in the directives Delete Rows, Query or Join Data, or Sort and De-Duplicate Data.

Enable the Impala SQL Environment

Support for the Cloudera Impala SQL environment is enabled in the Hadoop Configuration panel of the Configuration window. When Impala is enabled, new instances of the following directives use the Cloudera Impala SQL environment by default:
  • Run a Hadoop SQL Program
  • Sort and De-Duplicate
  • Query or Join
The default SQL environment can be overridden using the Settings menu. To learn more about SQL environments, see Enable Support for Impala and Spark.
Note: Changing the default SQL environment does not change the SQL environment for saved directives. Saved directives continue to run with their existing SQL environment unless they are opened, reconfigured, and saved.
Settings Button in the directive Run a Hadoop SQL Program


Follow these steps to use the directive Run a Hadoop SQL Program:
  1. In the SAS Data Loader directives page, click Run a Hadoop SQL Program.
  2. In the Code task, click the text editor and enter SQL code.
  3. To paste SQL code, use the pop-up menu in the text editor.
    • Pasted SQL must be supported in the selected SQL environment (Impala SQL or HiveQL.)
    • The SQL program needs to explicitly define data sources and targets.
    • The pop-up menu also enables you to display line numbers and to navigate to the beginning or the end of the program.
  4. To add SQL functions to your program, click in Resources, expand categories, display syntax help, and add syntax to your program.
  5. To move function syntax into your program, click the function and click Icon that adds function to program.
    Run a Hadoop SQL Program Resources Box and Function Selection
  6. When your program is ready to run, click Next.
  7. In the Result task, click Start SQL program. As your program runs, you receive start and end date/time information, along with Log, Code, and possibly Error Details icons. Click the icons as needed to resolve errors.
    The final status of the job is displayed in the Result taskbar.
  8. Click Save to save your program for reuse. To edit or run your job in the future, go to the SAS Data Loader directives page and click Saved Directives.