Create and Execute a Job Using SAS Sample Data

Follow these steps to copy a small SAS sample table into Hadoop and execute a transformation on that data.
  1. From the SAS Data Loader directives page, and click the directive Copy Data to Hadoop.
  2. In the Source Table task, click the SAS Server data source.
    SAS Server Icon
  3. Click Sample Data.
    Sample Data Icon
  4. Click the CARS source table and click Next.
    CARS Source Table Icon
  5. In the Filter task, click Next to include all SAS source rows in the Hadoop target table.
  6. In the Columns task, click Next to accept the existing number and arrangement of columns.
  7. In the Target Table task, click an appropriate location for the new table.
  8. Click New Table icon and enter a table name such as SASCars2004.
    New Table in Target Table Task
  9. In the Code tab, browse the generated code, and then click Next.
  10. In the Result task, click Start copying data.
  11. Click View Results to see your new table in Hadoop.
  12. To transform your new table, click back to directives icon.
  13. In the SAS Data Loader directives page, click Transform Data.
    Transform Data icon
  14. In the Source Table task, click the data source that you just used to store your new table.
  15. Click your new table, and then click Next.
    source table icon
  16. In the Transformations task, select Summarize Rows.
    Summarize Rows Icon
  17. Select group-by rows, summaries and aggregations, and then click Next.
    Summaries for Example
  18. In the Target Table task, click the data source that you use for target data, click New table icon, enter a table name, and then click Next.
  19. In the Result task, click Start transforming data. The job might run for a minute or so. Click View Results to see your first transformation in Hadoop using SAS Data Loader. Congratulations!
    Cars 2004 Summarized Table View