Manage Your License

During installation, your installer identified the local storage location of a SAS installation data file (SID). The SID file contains your license. The SID file is delivered as an attachment to the Software Order Email.
If your initial license has yet to be applied to SAS Data Loader, follow the renewal steps below.
To check to see whether a license has been identified, open the SAS Information Center and click the Settings icon in the top right corner. In the Settings window, if the check box Apply New License has been selected, then your license has been identified to SAS Data Loader.
The license remains valid for a year after the receipt of the Software Order Email.
Ten days before the expiration of your license, the Configuration menu in SAS Data Loader Configuration menu displays a message that states the number of days available before the expiration of the license. On the expiration date, the message states that your license has expired.
Beginning on the day your license expires, the SAS Information Center web page displays the following message each time you open SAS Data Loader:
SETINIT Expiration
Your SETINIT for this product is nearing expiration.
The word SETINIT is a name that refers to the SAS license.
Note: The expiration message is not displayed in the SAS Information Center when you use the Firefox web browser.
When you begin to receive expiration messages, you should contact your SAS Installation Representative to renew your license. Upon renewal, you will receive a Renewal Order Email that contains a new SID file. Follow these steps to identify the new SID file in SAS Data Loader:
  1. Save the SID file from your Renewal Order Email to a directory on the computer that hosts the vApp.
  2. If necessary, open the SAS Data Loader: Information Center.
  3. If SAS Data Loader is currently open in a web browser, first close the web browser tab to stop SAS Data Loader. (Doing so will not have a negative impact on any running directives.) Second, open the SAS Information Center by clicking the icon on your desktop. Another way to open the SAS Information Center is to enter into a web browser the web address that is displayed in the VMware Player Plus window.
  4. In the SAS Information Center, click the Settings icon settings icon in the top right corner.
  5. In the Settings window, click Apply New License, and then click Browse.
  6. In your file browser, navigate to the directory that contains the license file, click the license file, and click Open.
  7. In the Settings window, click Yes.
  8. To begin using the new license, simply open SAS Data Loader for Hadoop in a web browser.
You have now renewed your license for SAS Data Loader for Hadoop. The new license will remain valid for the time period that is specified in your Renewal Order Email.