Example 2. DTS: Transferring Specific Member Types


If you specify the INLIB= and OUTLIB= options in the PROC UPLOAD or PROC DOWNLOAD statements, you can specify which member types to transfer by using the MEMTYPE= option in one of the following statements:
Valid values for the MEMTYPE= option are DATA, CATALOG, MDDB view, FDB, and ALL. If you use this option in the SELECT or EXCLUDE statement, you can specify only one value. If you use this option in the PROC UPLOAD or the PROC DOWNLOAD statement, you can specify a list of MEMTYPE values enclosed in parentheses.

Example 2.1: Using the MEMTYPE= Option in the PROC UPLOAD Statement

This example uploads all data sets and catalogs that are in the library THIS on the client and stores them in the library THAT on the server.
proc upload inlib=this outlib=that
   memtype=(data catalog);

Example 2.2: Using the MEMTYPE= Option in the EXCLUDE Statement

This example uploads all catalogs and data sets that are in the library LOCLIB on the client, except the data sets that are named Z4, Z5, Z6, and Z7. It then stores them in the library REMLIB on the server:
proc upload inlib=loclib outlib=remlib mt=all;
   exclude z4-z7 / memtype=data;

Example 2.3: Using the MEMTYPE= Option in the SELECT Statement

This example downloads the catalogs NAMES and SALARY and the data set MEDIA in the data library REMLIB on the server and stores them in the library LOCLIB on the client:
proc download inlib=remlib outlib=loclib;
   select names salary media(mt=data) / memtype=cat;