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Using Compute Services

Monitoring MP CONNECT Tasks

Overview of Monitoring MP CONNECT Tasks

To monitor MP CONNECT tasks, the RDISPLAY command or statement creates two windows that enable you to view the contents of the accumulated server log and output without interrupting the asynchronous processing of the remote submitted task. The two windows enable you to view the accumulated log and output before merging them into your client session's log and output windows. For details about the syntax for the RDISPLAY command or statement, see RDISPLAY Command and RDISPLAY Statement.

As an alternative to RDISPLAY, you can use the SAS Explorer Monitor. For details, see Using SAS Explorer to Monitor SAS/CONNECT Tasks.

Managing MP CONNECT Log and Output Results

The log and output results that are generated by MP CONNECT server sessions are sent back to the client session as they are created. Because MP CONNECT tasks and client session tasks are processing in parallel, by default, the log and output are spooled to a utility file for later retrieval. If the log and output lines were written to the client Log and Output windows as they were produced, the output from MP CONNECT tasks and client session tasks would be interleaved, and the interpretation of the results of the executions would be impossible.

The MP CONNECT task log and output results can be viewed in separate windows using the RDISPLAY command or statement. For details, see RDISPLAY Command and RDISPLAY Statement.

Log and output results can also be written to, retrieved from, or merged in the client session Log and Output windows by using the RGET statement or command or redirecting to a file by using the LOG= option and the OUTPUT= option. For details about RGET, see RGET Command and RGET Statement. For details about the LOG= option and the OUTPUT= option, see RSUBMIT Statement and Command.

MP CONNECT Task Completion

You can use any of the following to test for the completion of MP CONNECT tasks:

The LISTTASK statement lists information about a single active task by name or about all tasks in the current session. For details, see LISTTASK Statement.

The SAS Explorer provides a menu selection that enables you to monitor SAS/CONNECT tasks that are executing asynchronously (or synchronously) in one or more server sessions. For details, see Using SAS Explorer to Monitor SAS/CONNECT Tasks.

The CMACVAR macro variable can be programmatically queried to learn the processing status (completed, failed, in progress) of an MP CONNECT task. For details, see RSUBMIT Statement and Command.

The NOTIFY=YES option requests the display of a notification message window to report the completion of an MP CONNECT task. For details, see RSUBMIT Statement and Command.

The WAITFOR statement makes the current SAS session wait for the completion of one or more asynchronously executing tasks that are already in progress. For details, see WAITFOR Statement.

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