Error Flag
Error Condition
The data set is structurally
A structural comparison
with the template that is provided with the SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit is performed using cstutilcomparestructure. Minor differences
involving labels, informats, and formats are generally ignored.
An unknown standard
or standardversion exists.
The standard and standardversion
must be registered in the <global standards
library directory>/metadata/standards data
A referenced input or
output file or folder cannot be accessed.
If filetype=“input”
or “both”, the file or folder must exist. If filetype=“output”,
Write access to the output folder must be enabled.
A required look-through
to the global standards library defaults fails.
You might choose to
leave the path or memname blank in your SASReferences data set, which
indicates that you want to use the defaults as specified in the standard-specific
StandardSASReferences data set. If the path or memname remains blank
(unresolved) after the final call to %CSTUTILVALIDATESASREFERENCES
in %CSTUTIL_ALLOCATESASREFERENCES, this error is reported.
One or more discrete
character field values cannot be found in the Standardlookup data
Columns with discrete
values (reftype, type+subtype combinations, iotype, filetype, allowoverwrite)
must have values as defined in the standard-specific Standardlookup
data set.
For the given context,
path or memname macro variables are not resolved.
If macro variables are
used as part of the path or memname value, they must resolve to an
accessible folder or file.
Multiple fmtsearch records
exist, but valid ordering is not provided.
To properly set the
format search path, an unambiguous ordering of multiple type=fmtsearch
records must be provided.
Multiple autocall records
exist, but valid ordering is not provided.
To properly set the
autocall path, an unambiguous ordering of multiple type=autocall records
must be provided.