What's New in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
Here are some of the
new capabilities in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.5:
Deployment of the SAS Clinical
Standards Toolkit 1.5 now includes the sample library.
Previous versions of
the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit deployed all sample files into
the !sasroot folder hierarchy. During the installation and configuration
of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.5, the installer is prompted
for the location in which to install the sample study library. The
configuration process creates a series of directories in this location.
The introduction of a set of tools
to validate the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit metadata itself.
This functionality
is referred to as internal validation. A subset of validation checks
serves to support installation and operational qualification of the
SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit.
For a
description of the implementation, see Internal Validation.
The CDISC SDTM 3.1.3 standard,
including all metadata and validation checks, has been fully implemented.
This includes definitions
of the 36 domains itemized in the
Study Data Tabulation
Model Implementation Guide: Human Clinical Trials (Version 3.1.3).
For a
description of the implementation, see Supported Standards.
The SDTM check utility macro sdtmcheckutil_recordlookup
was completely rewritten to optimize performance.
This macro is used
to identify records in a source data set that cannot be found in the
referenced lookup data set. Examples of the source data set include
The CDISC ODM 1.3.1 standard, including
all metadata and validation checks, has been fully implemented.
Support for the extraction
of ODM Clinical data and ODM Reference data into SAS data sets has
been added to both ODM 1.3.0 and ODM 1.3.1.
For a
description and limitations of the implementation, see Supported Standards and XML-Based Standards.
The CRT-DDS 1.0.0 standard (define.xml)
was updated to include support for creating a define.xml for the CDISC
ADaM standard.
Support was added for
the definitions of study source metadata for value level metadata
(SDTM), parameter value level metadata (ADaM), and document metadata
for annotated CRFs and supplemental documents (SDTM).
The ability to create
a define.pdf for SDTM and ADaM was added to the CRT-DDS standard.
An initial implementation of the
CDISC SEND 3.0 standard, including the definitions of all domains
and columns as specified in the
Standard for Exchange of
Nonclinical Data Implementation Guide: Nonclinical Studies, Version
3.0, has been provided.
For a
brief description of the implementation, see Supported Standards.
Note: No support of CDISC SEND
validation checks is provided in the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
Support for the CDISC ADaM Data
Structure for Adverse Event Analysis (ADAE) Version 1.0 has been added
to the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit ADaM reference metadata.
An example implementation
of the CDISC ADaM Basic Data Structure for Time-to-Event (ADTTE) Analysis
Version 1.0 has been added to the ADaM sample study.
New validation checks
in support of ADAE and ADTTE have been added to the ADaM Validation
Master data set.
The implementation of CT 1.0.0,
a tool to support the import of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
CDISC Controlled Terminology in the ODM XML format into SAS data sets
and SAS format catalogs, has been added.
Samples are provided
to import the latest versions of controlled terminology for ADaM,
CDASH, SDTM, SEND, Questionnaires, and the Clinical Data Element Glossary.
For a
description of the implementation, see XML-Based Standards.
Additional columns have been added
to all SASReferences and StandardSASReferences data sets provided
by SAS.
The ioype, filetype,
allowoverwrite, and relpathprefix columns primarily support validation
of the SASReferences data set and a broader capability to define relative
study paths.
For a
full description of these columns, see Metadata File Descriptions.
Full i18n multiple-byte character
support for data has been added.
All SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit validation macros have been updated to handle multiple-byte
data characters encoded in UTF-8 or Shift JIS.
Note: This initial i18n implementation
is limited to clinical data only. The SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
1.5 metadata does not support i18n with the exception of directory
pathnames. The SAS macros and codelogic field of the validation_master
data set were modified by replacing SAS functions with i18n-compatible
K functions.
The SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
metadata and code base have been updated.
A number of new framework macros
are available, including three new validation check macros and six
new validation check utility macros.
Changes to Metadata and Code Base
Framework Changes
These autocall macros
are new:
cst_createdsfromtemplate.sas creates
a zero-observation data set that is based on a template. The template
is returned from the Standardlookup data set based on a specified
standard, standardversion, type, and subtype.
cstcheckcompareallcolumns.sas compares
all columns in one domain with the same columns in other domains.
cstcheckentitynotfound.sas reports
that an entity, typically a file, folder, or column, cannot be found.
compares the consistency of one or more columns across two tables,
where a column in the first table is a foreign key that points to
a primary key in the second table.
cstcheckutilcheckfile.sas determines
whether a file exists as defined by columns in a source data set.
This macro is used primarily by internal validation to confirm that
files exist based on the content of the
global standards library directory/metadata/standards.sas7bdat
cstcheckutilcheckfolder.sas determines
whether a folder exists as defined by columns in a source data set.
This macro is used primarily by internal validation to confirm that
folders exist based on the content of the
global standards library directory/metadata/standards.sas7bdat
compares the structure of data sets referenced within StandardSASReferences
or SASReferences data sets against a template.
determines whether designated files in the referenced SASReferences
data set exist.
cstcheckutillookupvalues.sas determines
whether metadata column values for discrete columns can be found in
the Standardlookup data set.
cstupdatestandardsasrefs.sas expands
all relative paths to full paths in a SASReferences data set.
cstutil_getcstversion.sas returns
the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit product version.
cstutil_setcstsroot.sas sets the
value of the global macro variable _cstSRoot, which provides the location
of the sample library. If the default installation location is used,
this is
Windows) or
builds the framework reference_tables and reference_columns data sets
from available SASReferences data sets as a part of internal validation.
generates the validation-specific macro _cstreadStds to build the
internal validation workflow for one or more standards.
cstutilcheckforproblem.sas handles
any error condition that sets the global macro variable _cst_rc to
1. This macro variable can be set after a call to any SAS Clinical
Standards Toolkit macro.
cstutilcheckjava.sas determines
whether issues related to Java exist in the previous DATA step.
Note: In the SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit 1.4, cstutilcheckjava.sas was known as cstcheck_java. It has
been renamed in version 1.5 to follow naming conventions.
cstutilcheckwriteaccess.sas checks
for Write access for an entity that has been defined as an output
object in a SASReferences data set.
cstutilcomparestructure.sas compares
the metadata structure of two data sets using a return code to provide
information about the result of the comparison.
cstutilcreateattribfromds.sas creates
a DATA step ATTRIB statement for all columns in a specified data set.
cstutildropmissingvars.sas drops
variables from a data set that have only missing values.
cstutilfindvalidfile.sas checks
whether a folder, file, data set, catalog, or catalog member exists.
It is used most often in the validation of a SASReferences data set.
cstutilnobs.sas returns the number
of observations in a data set or an error.
cstutilprocessfailed.sas returns
a Boolean value to report whether a SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
process failed.
cstutiltrimcharvars.sas trims character
variables to their minimum length.
validates the structure and content of a SASReferences data set. Eight
different conditions are evaluated.
cstutilvalidationsummary.sas summarizes
the contents of the validation process Results data set, reporting
the number of validation warnings or errors that were generated and
whether some validation checks were not run.
cstvalidate.sas validates the SAS
Clinical Standards Toolkit framework metadata.
csutilwriteresultsintro.sas adds
process metadata records to the Results data set.
These macros are located
in the
(Microsoft Windows) or in the
(UNIX). A description of each new macro is provided in the online
macro API reference documentation.
Sample Library
The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit 1.5 installs all sample study files into a folder hierarchy
outside the !sasroot location that was used in prior versions. For
example, in version 1.4, the sample library for CDISC-SDTM 3.1.2 was
located for SAS 9.3 here:
This !sasroot deployment
location caused access problems for customers whose Write access permission
to !sasroot was restricted.
During the installation
and configuration of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.5, the installer
is prompted for the location in which to install the sample study
library. These are default locations:
The global macro variable
&_cstSRoot is now set to the location of the sample study library
(paralleling the &_cstGRoot global macro variable that points
to the global standards library).
In many sample driver
programs, the global macro variable studyRootPath was set in previous
versions to the !sasroot location for the standard, using code such
as this:
call symput('studyRootPath', '!sasroot/../../SASClinicalStandardsToolkitSDTM312/1.4/sample/cdisc-sdtm-3.1.2/sascstdemodata');
Now, the same initialization
of studyRootPath is this:
call symput('studyRootPath',cats("&_cstSRoot","/cdisc-sdtm-3.1.2-1.5/sascstdemodata"));
The sample library is
used to illustrate use of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit. Most
standards that are provided by SAS use a sample set of data, metadata,
and code to provide an instance of each specific standard. In reality,
the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit sample library is simply a proxy
for your clinical study data, metadata, and code.
As a part of each standard
definition, the
global standards library directory/standards/<standard
and version>/control/standards.sas7bdat
set contains a column named studylibraryrootpath. This column, by
default, has been set to the rootpath of the sample study for that
standard. You can choose to use this column to point to the rootpath
of some study hierarchy within your organization. There are a number
of alternative ways to reference your study data and metadata as well.
Internal Validation
The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit 1.5 provides a new set of functionality, called internal validation,
to help verify that metadata files are consistent and correct. This
feature is especially useful as you customize the SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit. This new set of tools uses the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit
validation framework and methodology that assess standard-specific
files against a defined reference standard.
Given the central role
that the SASReferences data set plays in submission of SAS Clinical
Standards Toolkit processes, more rigorous validation of this data
set is provided with the cstutilvalidatesasreferences macro.
These changes were made
These macros were added to support
the creation of a define.xml file for the CDISC ADaM standard:
The crtdds_writepdf macro was added
to support the creation of a define.pdf for the CDISC SDTM and CDISC
ADaM standards.
The crtdds_sourcevalues and crtdds_sourcedocuments
macros were added to import metadata that describes value level metadata
(SDTM), parameter value level metadata (ADaM), and document metadata
for annotated CRFs and supplemental documents (SDTM).
New conventions were implemented
for the creation of the various OID attributes in the define.xml file.
Here are some examples:
MetaDataVersion OID="MDV.1"
def:ValueListDef OID="VL.EG.EGTESTCD"
CDISC Controlled Terminology
The SAS Clinical Standards
Toolkit support for controlled terminology has been updated to the
most recent version of the NCI CDISC controlled terminology as of
April 1, 2013.
This table lists the
implemented controlled terminology versions. Every controlled terminology
standard (ADaM, CDASH, SDTM, and SEND) also contains a current
which is a copy of the most recent controlled terminology version
for that standard.
Implemented Controlled Terminology
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