Module ODM V1.3.0 (Run Time)


This is the ODM V1.3.0 run-time macro library.
Since: V1.3

Macro Summary

Module ODM V1.3.0 (Run Time) Macro Summary
%odm_getstatic(_cstName=, _cstVar=);
ODM Validation Process
%odm_write( _cstCreateDisplayStyleSheet=0, _cstOutputEncoding=UTF-8, _cstHeaderComment=, _cstResultsOverrideDS=, _cstLogLevel=info );

Macro Detail


%odm_getstatic(_cstName=, _cstVar=);
[Exposure: Not Specified] [Macro type: Not Specified]
  • _cstName
  • _cstVar


[Exposure: external] [Macro type: CDISC-ODM]
Reads a CDISC ODM V1.3.0 XML file into the SAS representation of ODM 1.3.0.
This macro uses the SAS representation of a CDISC ODM XML file as source, and converts it into SAS data sets. The inputs and outputs are specified in a SASReferences file.
Required global macro variables:
  • framework initialization properties
  • CDISC ODM 1.3.0 initialization properties
  • _cstResultsDS: The location of an existing Results data set. If not specified, work._cstResults is used.


%odm_validate /des='CST: Validate CDISC ODM model files';
[ Exposure: external] [ Macro Type: ODM Validation Process ]
Validate CDISC ODM model files.
The basic function of this code module is to cycle through the validation checks to be run, and to write validation results to the process results and (optionally) metrics data sets. These results are persisted to any permanent location based on type=results records in SASReferences. Process cleanup is based on the _cstDebug global macro variable.
Required global macro variables (beyond reporting and debugging variables): (none)
Required file inputs: run-time (type=control,subtype=validation in SASReferences) check data set
File: odm_validate


%odm_write(_cstCreateDisplayStyleSheet=0, _cstOutputEncoding=UTF-8, _cstHeaderComment=, _cstResultsOverrideDS=, _cstLogLevel=info ) /des='CST: Write ODM 1.3.0 XML file';
[ Exposure: external] [ Macro Type: CDISC-ODM ]
Writes an ODM 1.3.0 XML file.
This macro uses the SAS representation of an ODM XML file as source data and converts it to the required XML structure. The inputs and outputs are specified through SASReferences.
Required global macro variables:
  • The framework initialization properties.
  • The ODM 1.3.0 initialization properties.
  • _cstresultsds should point to an existing results data set, or it should override this value using the _cstResultsOverrideDS parameter.
  • (Optional) _cstCreateDisplayStyleSheet: Specifies whether the macro should create a style sheet in the same directory as the output XML file. If this value is set to 1, the macro looks in SASReferences for a record with a type or subtype of referencexml/stylesheet and uses that record. If this value is set to 0, the macro does not create the XSL, even if a record is specified in SASReferences. Default=0.
  • (Optional) _cstOutputEncoding: The XML encoding to use for the ODM file that is created. Default=UTF-8.
  • (Optional) _cstHeaderComment: A short comment that is added to the top of the ODM XML file that is produced. If no comment is provided, a default is used.
  • (Optional) _cstResultsOverrideDS: The (libname.)member that refers to a results data set to be created. If this parameter is not specified, the results data set specified by &_cstResultsDS is the data set written to.
  • (Optional) _cstLogLevel: The level of error reporting. Valid values are Info, Warning, Error, and Fatal Error. Default=Info.
File: odm_write


%odm_xmlvalidate(_cstLogLevel=info,_cstResultsOverrideDS=)/des='CST: Validate ODM V1.3.0 XML file';
[ Exposure: external] [ Macro Type: CDISC-ODM ]
Perform XML-level (not SAS) validation on an ODM V1.3.0 XML file.
General use of this macro will be in combination with another macro (such as odm_write or odm_read). Conditional code is included that optionally writes metadata to the results data set and optionally checks the validity of the SASReferences data set if this macro is run independently.
  • (Optional) _cstResultsOverrideDS: The (libname.)member that refers to a results data set to be created. If this parameter is not specified, the results data set specified by &_cstResultsDS is the data set written to. This parameter is optional.
  • (Optional) _cstLogLevel: The level of error reporting. Valid values are Info, Warning, Error, and Fatal Error.
File: odm_xmlvalidate