Global Macro Variable
* default value
This variable enables specification of the order in which the checks are to be run. The _DATA_ value indicates that checks are to be processed in the order defined in the Validation Control data set. You can specify a set of space-delimited keys from Validation Control columns (for example, checksource checkid).
0 (off) 1 (on)1
Toggle this variable to enable or disable metrics reporting. This variable attempts to provide a denominator for the errors that are detected. Increased processing time can result.
The default data set name that is used to accumulate results during a process. This variable is typically stored at the end of the process based on the SASReferences (type=results) entry.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable estimates the elapsed time to perform an action. Results are added to _cstMetricsDS. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable enables counts on a subject level. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable enables counts on the number of records tested. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of distinct validation check invocations. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of check invocations that were not run. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of resultseverity="Error" records in the Results data set. This value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of resultseverity="Warning" records in the Results data set. This value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of resultseverity="Note" records in the Results data set. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of structural errors that were detected. This variable is based on the errors reported for checks where checktype= "Metadata". This excludes informational records in the Results data set. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
This variable specifies whether to report the number of content errors that were detected. This variable is based on the errors reported for checks where checktype ^= "Metadata". This excludes informational records in the Results data set. The value is ignored if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of subjects that were tested. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of records that were tested. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of validation checks that were run. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of check invocations that were not run. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of errors that were reported. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of warnings that were reported. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of notes that were reported. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of structural errors that were reported. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
Actual count of the number of content errors that were reported. The value is not calculated if _cstMetrics=0.
0 (off) 1 (on)1
Allows the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit validation process to interpret a tableScope value like **DATA as ANY table ending in DATA, regardless of table name length. If 1, this signals the code to ignore the length of the _cstVarName when building the WHERE clause against the work._csttablemetadata data set (this parameter is currently only used by cstutil_parsetablescope).
Used to assess the value of a variable when case is important in the codelogic field of the validation data set. A blank _cstCaseMgmt property value tells the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit to do nothing to values when making value comparisons. The check would report the use of lowercase values as errors. A _cstCaseMgmt property value=UPCASE tells the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit that both lowercase and uppercase values are considered equivalent, and that values should be uppercase in any validation logic. Lowercase values would not be considered to be in error.
1default value