Managing the Codelist Table in a SAS Clinical Data Integration Study


When you import a codelist table, SAS Clinical Data Integration imports the codelist table only for the study versions that currently have or that could have (in the future) enrolled subjects. These study versions are considered non-retired versions.
A non-retired version is the desired version set for a specific study environment. This version set contains all study versions which, for that study environment, contain at least one enrolled subject. The most recent version for an environment or site is included in the set for any environment or site in that study. As a result, the most recent version is always available for the forward migration of subject data, even if no subjects are currently enrolled in the most recent version.
Limiting the codelist table in this way ensures that the codelist table does not include data for versions that will never be referenced.
The structure of a SAS data set required to store Medidata Rave codelist table information is the same across all versions. Therefore, the data in a SAS data set for a codelist table can be reimported without data mismatch or metadata mismatch.

Create the Codelist Table for a SAS Clinical Data Integration Study

To create the codelist table for a SAS Clinical Data Integration study, perform the following steps:
  1. Display the Medidata Rave properties.
  2. Click New next to the Codelist Table field.
    The New Rave Codelist Table wizard appears.
    New Rave Codelist Table wizard
  3. Enter a name and optional description for the codelist table, and then click Next.
    Note: The name must be a valid SAS table name.
    The SAS Library page appears.
    New Rave Codelist Table wizard — SAS Library page
  4. Using the standard SAS Data Integration Studio library controls, select a library, or create a library definition.
    Note: You must have Create access permission to the library that you select.
    For help with using these controls, see the SAS Data Integration Studio: User's Guide or the SAS Data Integration Studio online Help.
  5. Click Next.
    The Codelists page appears.
    New Rave Codelist Table wizard — Codelists page
    The table lists the codelist tables that are registered to active Medidata Rave studies to which the SAS Clinical Data Integration study is mapped.
    Each row in the table represents one declared codelist table to import. The same codelist table can appear multiple times, once for each study version.
  6. (Optional) Click a column heading to reorder the table.
    Note: The information in this table is read-only. You cannot select a row.
  7. Click Finish.
    A codelist table with the specified name and description is created directly beneath the study root folder. The codelist table contains the necessary columns and is associated with the SAS library that you selected.

Reimport a Codelist Table into a SAS Clinical Data Integration Study

To reimport a codelist table into a study, perform the following step:
In the Folders tree, right-click on a codelist table, and then select Import Codelists from Medidata Rave.

Remove the Codelist Table from a SAS Clinical Data Integration Study

To remove the codelist table from a study, perform the following steps:
  1. Display the Medidata Rave properties.
    The Codelist Table field displays the name of the codelist table associated with the study.
  2. Click Remove next to the Codelist Table field.
    Although the codelist table is no longer associated with the study, the codelist table still exists in its original location and retains its data.