
Incomplete Jobs

You can publish a job that does not contain all of the information that the transformation needs, but you are notified of the lack of information during the publish. You have the choice to publish the incomplete job or not. If you choose to publish the job, you must provide the missing information in SAS Drug Development.

User-Written Code

You can publish a job that contains user-written code at the job level or at the transformation level.
Note: For the Publish to SAS Drug Development feature to identify the paths specified in user-written code, the user-written code must be SAS code that is syntactically correct. SAS code that is not syntactically correct might cause the Publish to SAS Drug Development feature to fail to identify the paths.

Collection of Run-Time Statistics

You can publish a SAS Clinical Data Integration job that collects run-time statistics, but it will not run in SAS Drug Development. You are notified of the conflict during the publish. You have the choice to publish the job or not.

LIBNAME Statement That References Multiple Locations

You can publish a job that contains a LIBNAME statement that references multiple locations. Each referenced location becomes a process parameter.

Generate a Report

You can publish a job that contains a SAS Clinical Data Integration transformation that generates a report.

Republish a Job

You can republish a job to SAS Drug Development. In this case, the process in SAS Drug Development is overwritten. Or, if versioning is enabled for the process, a new version is created.
Note: If the process is checked out by another user, you are notified. The job cannot be republished until the process is checked in.