Overview of the Report Mode Interfaces

Your role and the associated capabilities determine the report mode, as well as which features you can access in SAS Web Report Studio. For example, report viewers do not have the ability to access Edit mode. For more information about capabilities, see Managing Access to SAS Web Report Studio.

View Mode Interface

This is the mode that all SAS Web Report Studio users can see. View mode displays the output of a saved report. Users who are authorized to create and edit reports can also use View mode to preview new, unsaved reports.
The following figure is an example of a report displayed in View mode. The report contains query results from a multidimensional data source. The main features of this specific report and the View tab are identified.
The View Mode Interface
The View Mode Interface
1 Select the File, View, or Data menu items to access options that apply to the entire report or to the currently displayed report section, including the objects in the section.
2 Use these icons to create a new report, open an existing report, save the current report, print the current report, or export the current report.
3 Authorized users can click the Edit tab to open the viewed report in Edit mode.
4 The View tab is on top when View mode is active.
5 This icon indicates that one or more comments are associated with the report.
6 This icon indicates that the objects in this report section are synchronized.
7 This navigational box indicates the section that you are editing, as well as the total number of sections in the report. To view a different section, either enter a number in the box or select Viewthen selectSection and select the section that you want to open.
8 The body contains the report.
9 Use the Section Data panel to select data and to view an indicator of whether objects are synchronized. This panel can be collapsed horizontally.
10 Use the Table of Contents panel to work with both sections and group breaks. This panel can be collapsed horizontally.
In View mode, you can drag a data item from the Section Data pane and drop it onto tables and graphs.
Note: Some reports require that you answer prompts before their output is rendered.

Summary: Seven Ways to Access View Mode

There are seven ways to access View mode:
  • Click Open in the SAS Web Report Studio Welcome window.
  • Select a report name in the SAS Web Report Studio Welcome window.
  • Select Filethen selectOpen to display the Open dialog box. Select a file and then click Open to display it in the View tab.
  • Select Filethen selectOpen Recent and then select the name of an existing report, information map, table, cube, or stored process to display it in the View tab.
  • Click View when editing a report to display it in View mode.
  • Select an existing report, information map, table, cube, or stored process in the File Management window.
  • Navigate to a report using a link from another report.

Edit Mode Interface

Authorized users can access the Edit tab to create new reports or to edit existing reports. Note that some options in Edit mode are not available for reports and stored processes that come from SAS Enterprise Guide. The available options in Edit mode also depend on the type of report that you are editing.
Here are some of the main features of the Edit tab and Edit mode.
The Edit Mode Interface
The Edit Mode Interface
1 Select the File, Edit, View, Insert, or Data menu items to access options that apply to the entire report or to the currently displayed report section, including the objects in the section.
2 Use these icons to create a new report, open an existing report, or save the current report.
3 The Edit tab is on top when Edit mode is active.
4 Click View when you are ready to view the report.
5 This navigational box indicates the section that you are editing, as well as the total number of sections in the report. To view a different section, either enter a number in the box or select Viewthen selectSection and then select the section that you want to open. You can also use the drop-down box in the Table of Contents panel to select a section.
6 Use this horizontal toolbar to insert objects (such as tables, graphs, geographical maps, stored processes, text, and images).
7 Click Header to enter header information for the report section. For more information, see Designing Headers and Footers.
8 The body of the report section consists of a grid for arranging objects such as tables, graphs, and images, and two toolbars (one above the grid and one to the left of the grid). For more information, see Overview of Positioning Report Objects.
The body of the report can also include stored process objects that are used to obtain data and layout information for the report section.
9 Click Footer to enter footer information for the report section. For more information, see Designing Headers and Footers.
10 Use the Section Data panel to select data and to specify whether objects are synchronized. This panel can be collapsed horizontally. An Options menu enables you to select data and to specify whether the objects are synchronized. You can also work with section filters. The Section Filters menu option is always available for relational data. The option is available for multidimensional data only if the filters were predefined in SAS Information Map Studio.
After you select the data items, a context menu is available. Depending on the type of data source, you can use this menu to specify the format and data item properties. You might also be able to select or define filters and change the default format.
For more information about defining a query that uses data items, see Defining Queries to Obtain Results.
11 Use this vertical toolbar to delete and align objects and to merge, split, and add cells to the layout grid.
12 Use the Table of Contents panel to work with sections and to switch between sections. Use the Options menu to add new sections and rename, delete, or reorder existing sections. This panel can be collapsed horizontally. For more information, see The SAS Web Report Studio Interface.
If you select data items from a data source to define a query for the report section, then you might be able to specify group breaks for the report section. For more information, see Grouping Query Results.
In Edit mode, you can drag report and graph objects and drop them onto the layout grid.

Summary: Six Ways to Access Edit Mode

There are six ways to access Edit mode:
  • Click New report in the Welcome window.
  • Click New using Report Wizard in the Welcome window. After at least one data item is selected, click Finish on any wizard page to access Edit mode.
  • Click New using Template in the Welcome window to select a report template from a gallery and display it in the Edit tab.
  • Click Edit when a report is displayed in View mode.
  • Select Filethen selectOpen to display the Open dialog box. Next to the name of a report, click action icon in the Actions column, and then select Edit.
  • From the Welcome window or while editing a report, select Filethen selectManage Files to access the File Management window. Navigate to the report that you want to edit. Next to the name of the report, click action icon in the Actions column, and then select Edit.