Opening Data Sources Directly

Data source reports are ad hoc reports that use either a list table or a crosstabulation table depending on the type of data. The following table shows the different data sources and the type of table that is used for an ad hoc report.
Note: Your data administrator determines what data sources you are authorized to view.
Data Source
Associated Icon
Type of Table
Relational information map
relational information map icon
A summarized list table that is based on a system default query or a default query that is set up by your data administrator
Multidimensional information map
multidimensional information map icon
A crosstabulation table that is based on a system default query or a default query that is set up by your data administrator
table icon
A detailed list table including all underlying columns1
cube icon
A crosstabulation table that is based on a system default query
1When detail data is used, you cannot insert a crosstabulation table or any graphs except for scatter and bubble plots. To use a crosstabulation table and the other graph types, select Data > Summarization Options in Edit mode, and select the Summarize similar rows (Aggregated data) option.
To open a data source directly, complete these steps:
  1. Double-click an information map, table, or cube in the Open dialog box. The ad hoc report opens in View mode.
    Example of a Data Source Report Based on a Multidimensional Information Map
    Example of a Data Source Report Based on a Multidimensional Information Map
    Example of a Data Source Report Based on a Table
    Example of a Data Source Report Based on a Table
  2. Select Filethen selectSave. For information about how to complete the Save As dialog box, see Save a Report.
This is one of the quick start methods for creating a new saved report. For more information, see About the Quick Start Methods.