Naming Reports, Folders, and Templates

Here is some information about naming conventions in SAS Web Report Studio:
Uniqueness requirements
Names are not case-sensitive. For example, you cannot have a report named 2010 Vendor Costs and a report named 2010 VENDOR COSTS in the same folder.
Character restrictions
Report, folder, and template names cannot contain these characters: \ / : * ? “ < > | @ # &
Length requirements
Report, folder, and template names must be 56 characters or less in length. Use spaces if your names are long. If you use a 56-character name with no spaces in it, then the browser cannot word-wrap the name to fit the normal-width Name column in the files list. You must resize the dialog box to make it wide enough to see all of the content and the OK button.
If you make a copy of a report that has a name longer than 56 characters, the trailing characters that exceed the maximum of 56 are dropped. For example, a report named abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd is saved as Copy of abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv.
Keywords must be 60 characters or less in length. Use spaces if your keywords are long. If you use a 60-character keyword with no spaces in it, then the browser cannot word-wrap the keyword to fit the normal width Name column in the files list. You must resize the dialog box to make it wide enough to see all of the content and the OK button.
Keywords cannot contain these characters: < > & # / \
Note: Keywords do not apply to report templates.