- aggregate function
a function that summarizes data and produces a
statistic such as a sum, an average, a minimum, or a maximum.
- aggregation
the act or process of grouping data, using an
operation that produces a statistic such as a sum, average, minimum,
or maximum. The term aggregation can also refer to the grouped data
that results from such an operation. See also aggregate function.
- alphanumeric
any of the following types of characters: alphabetic
letters, numerals, and special characters or blanks. Most computer
systems store strictly numeric data differently from alphanumeric
or textual data.
- authentication domain
a SAS internal category that pairs logins with
the servers for which they are valid. For example, an Oracle server
and the SAS copies of Oracle credentials might all be classified as
belonging to an OracleAuth authentication domain.
- bar
a chart that consists of a grid and some vertical
or horizontal columns (bars). Each column represents quantitative
- bar-line
a bar chart with an overlaid line graph. See also
bar chart and line graph.
- category
a classification of data items. Category data
items are used to group measure data items, using an applied aggregate
function. For example, a category data item that contains the names
of countries could be used to group a measure data item that contains
population values.
- child
within a dimension hierarchy, a descendant in
level n-1 of a member that is at level n. For example, if a Geography
dimension includes the levels Country and City, then Bangkok would
be a child of Thailand, and Hamburg would be a child of Germany.
- crosstabulation
a two-dimensional table that shows frequency distributions
or other aggregate statistics for the intersections of two or more
categories. In a crosstabulation table, categories are displayed on
both the columns and rows, and each cell value represents the data
result from the intersection of the categories on the specific row
and column.
- cube
a set of data that is organized and structured
in a hierarchical, multidimensional arrangement. A cube includes measures,
and it can have numerous dimensions and levels of data.
- data
an item in a data source that is either a logical
view of a data field or a calculation. The author of a report decides
which data items to use in a particular section of a report. There
are three types of data items: hierarchies, categories, and measures.
- data
a collection of data items and filters that provides
a user-friendly view of data. Users of query and reporting applications
such as SAS Web Report Studio can easily build business reports by
using data sources as the building blocks for their reports.
- detail
(1) for multidimensional data sources, nonaggregated
data. (2) for relational data sources, every record in a selected
data source. Duplicate records can be either excluded or included.
See also multidimensional data source and relational data source.
- dimension
a group of closely related hierarchies. Hierarchies
within a dimension typically represent different groupings of information
that pertains to a single concept. For example, a Time dimension might
consist of two hierarchies: (1) Year, Month, Date, and (2) Year, Week,
Day. See also hierarchy.
- equivalent interval
one group in a range of data that has been divided
into equal groups.
- filter
criteria that restrict either the data that is
returned from a query to a data source or the data that is displayed
in a table, graph, or map.
- geographic information system
a software application for organizing and analyzing
data that can be referenced spatially - that is, data that can be
associated with physical locations. Many types of data, such as data
from marketing surveys and epidemiological studies, have a spatial
aspect. Short form: GIS.
See geographic information system.
- group
a way to divide report sections by distinct category
or hierarchy level values when you are using a relational or multidimensional
data source.
- hierarchy
an arrangement of members of a dimension into
levels that are based on parent-child relationships. Members of a
hierarchy are arranged from more general to more specific. For example,
in a Time dimension, a hierarchy might consist of the members Year,
Quarter, Month, and Day. In a Geography dimension, a hierarchy might
consist of the members Country, State or Province, and City. More
than one hierarchy can be defined for a dimension. Each hierarchy
provides a navigational path that enables users to drill down to increasing
levels of detail. See also member and level.
- histogram
a bar chart that displays the observed frequencies
of data that have been binned (divided into contiguous, equally spaced
intervals). The heights of the bars indicate the relative frequency
of observations in each bin.
- information map
See data source.
- level
in a multidimensional database (or cube), an element
of a dimension hierarchy. Levels describe the dimension from the highest
(most summarized) level to the lowest (most detailed) level. For example,
possible levels for a Geography dimension are Country, Region, State
or Province, and City.
- line graph
a graph that shows the relationship of one variable
to another, often as movements or trends in the data over a period
of time. Line graphs summarize source data and typically are used
to chart response values against discrete categorical values.
- list
a two-dimensional representation of data, in which
the data values are arranged in rows and columns.
- locale
a setting that reflects the language, local conventions,
and culture for a geographic region. Local conventions can include
specific formatting rules for dates, times, and numbers, and a currency
symbol for the country or region. Some examples of locale values are
French_Canada, Portuguese_Brazil, and Chinese_Singapore.
- mean
the arithmetic average, which is calculated by
adding the values of a sample variable and dividing this sum by the
number of observations.
- measure
a classification of data items. The values of
measure data items are aggregated (unless otherwise specified) and
can be used in computations or analytical expressions. For example,
a measure data item could contain age values that are grouped by gender
and then averaged.
- member
in a multidimensional database (or cube), a name
that represents a particular data element within a dimension. For
example, September 1996 might be a member of the Time dimension. A
member can be either unique or non-unique. For example, 1997 and 1998
represent unique members in the Year level of a Time dimension. January
represents non-unique members in the Month level, because there can
be more than one January in the Time dimension if the Time dimension
contains data for more than one year.
- multidimensional
data source
a collection of data items and filters that describes
and provides a view of a cube. See also cube, data item, and data
- natural
a boundary in a range of data as determined by
a histogram of data distribution. See also histogram.
- operator
in a SAS expression, any of several symbols that
request a comparison, a logical operation, or an arithmetic calculation.
- parent
within a dimension hierarchy, the ancestor in
level n of a member in level n-1. For example, if a Geography dimension
includes the levels Country and City, then Thailand would be the parent
of Bangkok, and Germany would be the parent of Hamburg. The parent
value is usually a consolidation of all of its children's values.
- pie
a circular chart that is divided into slices by
radial lines. Each slice represents the relative contribution of each
part to the whole.
- progressive bar chart
a type of bar chart that shows how the initial
value of a measure data item increases or decreases during a series
of operations or transactions. See also bar chart.
- prompted
a type of filter that enables a report viewer
to select the criteria that will be used to restrict the data that
appears in a report.
- publication channel
an information repository that has been established
using the SAS Publishing Framework and that can be used to publish
information to users and applications.
- quantile
any of the points or values that divide data into
groups that contain equal numbers of observations, or any of those
- query
a set of instructions that requests particular
information from one or more data sources.
- ranking
the process of ordering observations according
to values of particular measure data items. The observations that
are ordered depend on the object that contains the data. For list
tables, observations correspond to rows. For crosstabulation tables,
if the measures are on the columns, then the ordered observations
can be on the individual rows or on the row that contains the outermost
category data item. For graphs, observations generally correspond
to data points along a particular axis. See also category, crosstabulation
table, data item, list table, and measure.
- relational
data source
a collection of data items and filters that describes
and provides a view of two-dimensional physical data, in which the
data values are arranged in rows and columns. See also data item and
data source.
- SAS report
a report that has been stored in the SAS Report
Model format. A SAS report might be available for viewing in the portal
if your organization has installed SAS Web Report Studio.
- scatter
a two-dimensional plot that shows the joint variation
of two data items.
- standard deviation
a statistical measure of the variability of a
group of data values. This measure, which is the most widely used
measure of the dispersion of a frequency distribution, is equal to
the square root of the variance.
- stored
a SAS program that is stored on a server and that
can be executed as requested by client applications such as SAS Web
Report Studio. The embedded SAS code can contain instructions for
rendering report elements as part of a larger report or for rendering
a complete report that includes queries, prompted filters, titles,
images, and statistical analyses.
- tile
a graph that represents the relative values of
data by using rectangular areas. The color of each area represents
the value of one measure in the query. The size of each area represents
the value of the another measure in the query. The academic term for
a tile chart is 'treemap.'
- Time dimension
a dimension that divides time into levels such
as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day.
- timestamp
a data type or value that represents both a date
and a time.
- tooltip
descriptive text that appears when a cursor is
placed over certain elements of a graphical user interface, such as
the tool icons in a toolbar.
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