Validating CDISC SDTM Data in a SAS Data Set


This example validates CDISC SDTM data that is stored in a SAS data set.


The following SAS program validates CDISC SDTM data that is stored in the SAS data set RESULTS.AE:
  1. The LIBNAME statement assigns the libref RESULTS to the physical location of the input SAS data set to be validated.
  2. The PROC CDISC statement specifies CDISC SDTM as the model.
  3. The SDTM statement specifies the SDTM version number.
  4. The DOMAINDATA statement specifies the SAS data set to be validated, the two-character domain code, and the domain model type.
libname results 'C:\Myfiles\'; 1

proc cdisc model=sdtm; 2
   sdtm sdtmversion="3.1"; 3
   domaindata data=results.AE domain=ae category=events; 4

libname results clear;


SAS Log Output

21   proc cdisc model=sdtm;
22      sdtm sdtmversion="3.1";
23      domaindata domain=ae category=events;
24   run;

ERROR: Required parameters not contained on DOMAINDATA(Domain=AE) statement.
       Required parameter STUDYID not present.
       Required parameter DOMAIN not present.
       Required parameter USUBJID not present.
       Required parameter AESEQ not present.
       Required parameter AEDECOD not present.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE CDISC used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds