Use the SASCMD option to specify the SAS command and any additional options that you
want to use to start SAS in the server session on the same multiprocessor computer.
The SASCMD option can
be specified in an OPTIONS statement:
OPTIONS SASCMD=":SAS-system-options" | "!SASCMD SAS-system-options" ;
can also specify it directly in the SIGNON statement or command:
SIGNON name SASCMD=":SAS-system-options" | "!SASCMD SAS-system-options" ;
options sascmd=":memsize=64M nonumber";
The -DMR option is automatically
appended to the command. If !SASCMD is
specified, SAS/CONNECT starts SAS on the server by using the same command that was used to start SAS for
the current (parent) session.
Note: In order to execute additional
commands before starting SAS, you might write a script that contains
the SAS start-up commands that are appropriate for the operating environment.
Specify this script as the value in the SASCMD= option.