Using SAS Management Console to Administer the SAS/CONNECT Spawner


SAS Management Console is the primary administrative user interface for administering SAS servers in the SAS Intelligence Platform. SAS Management Console includes a variety of plug-ins that are used to create and maintain various resources available in the SAS Intelligence Platform. The Server Manager plug-in is used to manage the SAS/CONNECT spawner and SAS/CONNECT server.
The next few sections offer a brief introduction to the spawner management interface in SAS Management Console. Complete documentation for SAS Management Console and the Server Manager plug-in can be found in the following SAS Intelligence Platform documents:
  • SAS Intelligence Platform: Overview
  • SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide
  • SAS Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions
  • SAS Intelligence Platform: Application Server Administration Guide
These documents can be found on the SAS Intelligence Platform Product Documentation page at

Using the Server Manager Plug-in to Access the SAS/CONNECT Spawner

The SAS/CONNECT spawner is located in the SAS Management Console - Server Manager plug-in. You can access the SAS/CONNECT spawner by expanding the Server Manager node and selecting the SAS/CONNECT Spawner, as shown in SAS/CONNECT Spawner in the Server Manager Plug-in of the SAS Management Console.
SAS/CONNECT Spawner in the Server Manager Plug-in of the SAS Management Console
SAS/CONNECT Spawner in the Server Manager Node of the SAS Management Console
You can use SAS Management Console to perform the following spawner operations, as shown in Tasks Available for Operating the SAS/CONNECT Spawner, Once Connected.
  • add a connection to the spawner
  • connect to or disconnect from the spawner
  • stop, pause, resume, or quiesce the spawner
  • reset the counters
  • refresh the spawner
  • clear the spawner credentials cache
  • delete the spawner
  • view the properties of the spawner
Until you connect to the spawner, most of the tasks listed in the pop-up menu (for example, stop, pause, and quiesce the spawner) are disabled. After you have connected, these tasks are enabled. Tasks Available for Operating the SAS/CONNECT Spawner, Once Connected shows these tasks enabled in the pop-up menu after connecting to the spawner.
Tasks Available for Operating the SAS/CONNECT Spawner, Once Connected
Tasks Available for Operating the SAS/CONNECT Spawner Once Connected
Once you are connected to the spawner, tabs that contain information about the spawner become active in the right pane of the Server Manager window. Many of the fields in these tabs not only display information about the spawner, but they also enable you to update and configure spawner and server settings.
  • Connections Tab — displays a list of the active, inactive, or terminated sessions
  • Clients Tab — displays a list of clients that are or have been connected to the currently selected spawner
  • Spawned Server Activity Tab — displays graphs showing the spawned server activity
  • Spawned Servers Tab — displays a list of spawned servers and the user name and host associated with the spawned server
  • Options Tab — displays the options and properties associated with the spawner
  • Loggers and Log Tabs — enables you to view and update information about the loggers, log events, and associated logging levels
Tabs for Monitoring the SAS/CONNECT Spawner
Tabs for Monitoring the SAS/CONNECT Spawner
In addition, when you right-click on the spawner in the Connections Tab in the right pane of the Server Manager Console, Spawned Servers Tab, the Connection Properties window is displayed, as shown in SAS/CONNECT Spawner: Server Manager Connection Properties Tabs. This window contains a series of tabs that enable you to view and update authentication properties, the spawner name, the spawner description, extended attributes, and authorization properties. The Options Tab enables you to change the operator port and specify advanced encryption options, such as authentication type and authentication domain.
SAS/CONNECT Spawner: Server Manager Connection Properties Tabs
SAS/CONNECT Spawner: Server Manager Connection Properties Tabs
For information about using SAS/CONNECT spawner invocation options, see Options for Starting and Managing the SAS/CONNECT Spawner.