System Configuration for the XMS Access Method

Installation Tasks

  1. Install the SASVXMS load module. See Steps for Installing the Load Module.
    Note: The version of SASVXMS that is distributed with each maintenance release of SAS/SHARE can be used only with that maintenance release.
  2. Define an anchor point. See Defining an Anchor Point.

Steps for Installing the Load Module

Note: This task is required.
To use the cross-memory access method for communication between a SAS/CONNECT server and user, you must copy the module SASVXMS0 from the SAS load library data set into an authorized library. You must then rename this module SASVXMS (removing the 0). It is very important that you perform these two tasks in that order.
When SAS/CONNECT software loads the module SASVXMS, it must find that module to be marked authorized, re-entrant, and reusable, and to have been loaded from an authorized library. The version of SASVXMS that was distributed with Version 6 of SAS/SHARE software can be used ONLY with Version 6.
To install the SASVXMS0 load module, perform these tasks:
  1. Copy SASVXMS0 into an authorized link list library.
    In a production environment, SAS recommends that you copy the SASVXMS0 module into an authorized link list library. Alternatively, you can install this module into the link pack area. You can use any standard utility program to copy the SASVXMS0 module from your &prefix.LIBRARY data set to your authorized library.
    Note: A user abend 984 occurs if the SASVXMS module is not installed in an authorized library or the library is in a STEPLIB concatenation where one of the libraries is not authorized
  2. Rename SASVXMS0.
    After copying SASVXMS0 into the appropriate library, you must rename it. You can use any standard utility to rename the module.
    Rename SASVXMS0 to SASVXMS. Specify the SAS 9.4 Foundation option COMAMID=XMS.
    Note: The XMS access method does not support communication between a Version 6 SAS session and a SAS/SHARE 9.4 server, nor does it support communication between a SAS 9.4 Foundation session and a Version 6 SAS/SHARE server. If you want to run SAS/SHARE 9.4 and Version 6 SAS/SHARE software concurrently, you MUST rename the Version 6 SASVXMS0 module to SASVXMSn and set COMAMID=XMSn in Version 6.

Defining an Anchor Point

Anchor Point: Definition

  1. Define an inactive z/OS subsystem. The anchor point is specified by defining an inactive z/OS subsystem. Defining an inactive subsystem causes z/OS to create a subsystem communications vector table (SSCVT) at IPL time. The SSCVT chain is in common memory and easily accessible to the cross-memory access method routines. The SSCTSUSE field of the SSCVT is available to these routines and is used as the anchor point for their control blocks.
    Note that, although you define a subsystem to z/OS, it will never be considered active and will provide no system services because the SSCTSSVT field of the SSCVT will never be nonzero. You can define the inactive subsystem by adding an entry to any of the following:
    • the IEFJSSNT member of SYS1.LINKLIB
    • an IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB
    Consult the z/OS system initialization and tuning documentation for the details of each alternative. Regardless of which method you choose, you must include the subsystem name and you must not specify an initialization routine name. Use the name SAS0 unless it conflicts with standards or conventions at your site.
  2. Set the SAS 9.4 Foundation option SUBSYSID= to specify the inactive subsystem that you defined. The name you specify for the inactive subsystem defined as the anchor point for the cross-memory access method must also be specified as the value of the SAS 9.4 Foundation option SUBSYSID=. This option is specified, typically in a SAS 9.4 Foundation configuration file, by the SAS/SHARE software consultant.