options tcpportfirst=4020; options tcpportlast=4050;
specifies whether the TCP/IP access method verifies user access authority before allowing clients to access the server. The TCPSEC option must be set at the server before the server session is started.
requires the TCP/IP access method to verify the authority of clients that attempt to access the server. Each client must supply a user ID and a password that are valid at the server.
specifies that the TCP/IP access method does not authenticate SAS/SHARE clients that attempt to access the server.
Default | _NONE_ |
specifies the name of a RACF (Resource Access Control Facility) secured sign-on function profile. SAS uses the secured sign-on function to permit a SAS/SHARE client to access a SAS/SHARE server without specifying a password. Successful sign-on without a password requires that the following conditions are met: