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z/OS: TCP/IP Access Method

SAS/CONNECT Server Tasks

Task List

If you are signing on to a z/OS server with TSO, there are no server tasks.

Note:   SAS/CONNECT enables TCP/IP connections from clients outside a firewall to spawners that run on servers inside a firewall. For details, see Configuring SAS/CONNECT for Use with a Firewall.  [cautionend]

Otherwise, follow one of these tasks, as appropriate:

  1. To allow a client to connect to a z/OS server that is running a z/OS spawner, verify that the SAS SVC routine has been installed. See Installation of the SAS SVC Routine.

  2. To allow a client to connect to a z/OS server that is running a z/OS spawner, start the spawner program at the z/OS server. For details, see z/OS Spawner.

  3. To allow a client to connect to a z/OS server without running a TSO terminal monitor program, install the logon procedure on the z/OS server.

Installing the Logon Procedure on the Server

For z/OS server connections, you can eliminate the need for TSO by replacing the terminal monitor program (also called logon procedure) with a procedure that starts SAS with the options that you want. The benefits of this method are that signing on and signing off a z/OS server is much faster than running with TSO, and you eliminate the overhead consumed by running TSO. However, a disadvantage of running without TSO is that you cannot execute any X commands or TSO commands.

In the following example, the logon procedure starts SAS with the DMR and the COMAMID=TCP options. When you log on to the z/OS server, this procedure is immediately run so that the current z/OS account is limited to running SAS each time that the current z/OS account user logs on.

//             OPTIONS=,
//             WORK='500,200'
//             DCB=(RECFM=FS,DSORG=PS,LRECL=6144,BLKSIZE=6144)
//SASPARM   DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(400,(100,300)),

A script file is still required at the client for sign-on. However, a SAS start-up command is not included in the script file because the logon procedure already executes the SAS start-up command.

For the content of the script file, see TCPMVS.SCR Script.

SAS/CONNECT Server Example

The following command starts the spawner O390SPAWN on a z/OS computer. The absence of the -SASCMD option in the spawner start-up command implies that the client will use a script file to specify the SAS command that starts SAS on the z/OS computer.

sastcpd -service o390spawn

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