
When you run a rule flow by using either the %BRM_RULE_FLOW macro or the Business Rules transformation in SAS Data Integration Studio, three tables are generated. These tables contain rule-fired information and information about the execution of the rule flow.
Name Generated By SAS Data Integration Studio
Test information
A single record that contains aggregate information about the execution of the rule flow.
Rule-fired details
One row for each time that a rule evaluates to true. There might be multiple entries for the same rule, but each entry has different values for the _recordCorrelationKey and RULE-ACTION_FIRE_ID columns.
Rule-fired summary
A summary of how many times each rule fired.
When the %BRM_RULE_FLOW macro is run outside of SAS Data Integration Studio, the names of the tables are controlled by the mapping file. See %BRM_RULE_FLOW in SAS Business Rules Manager: Administrator’s Guide for information about the macro and the mapping file.
Last updated: February 22, 2017