Vocabularies contain
one or more business entities. Vocabularies categorize and structure
the entities and terms needed to create a rules database.
An entity is an object in a business domain. For example, an entity could be Customer, Transaction,
or Account. Entities contain terms. They group terms into logical units. Entities
are not mapped to tables or to table columns when rules flows are published.
A term is an attribute
of an entity. For example, a customer entity might have terms such
as name, address, and income. A transaction entity might contain terms
for date, time, transaction amount, and account number. Terms are
the objects with which you build business rules.
A business rule can
have condition terms and action terms. Suppose your rule is
if balance>1000
then account="premium" . The term balance is a condition term, and account is an action term.
Terms are mapped to table columns by the applications that use published rule flows that are within metadata.