Define Business Rule Folders

All of the content in your business rules database is contained within business rules folders. You must define at least one top-level folder. To define a top-level folder:
  1. Select Business Rulesthen selectVocabularies. (You must display a category view to enable the folder menu options. You can select any of the categories under Business Rules.)
  2. Click New, and select New Top-Level Folder.
  3. Enter Tutorials for the folder name, and click OK.
Because multiple users might want to perform the tasks in the tutorial, each user should create a separate folder in the Tutorials folder. To create a new folder:
  1. Right-click the Tutorials folder and select New Folder.
  2. Enter a name for the folder such as myUserID. The examples in this tutorial use the ID sasdemo.
  3. Click OK.
For more information, see Managing Business Rule Folders.