- business entity
an object in your business domain. An entity has
one or more terms, which are attributes of an entity. For example,
the business entity could be the customer, and the associated terms
could be the name, account number, account type, and so on.
- business rule
a statement of business logic that specifies conditions
to be evaluated and actions to be taken if those conditions are satisfied.
- business rule flow package
a business rule flow that has been saved to an
XML file.
- business rule service
a business rule flow that has been implemented
as a web service.
- data object
an object that holds the business data that is
required to execute workflow tasks.
- decision tree
a set of rules that split data into a hierarchy
of successive segments, and which can be used, for example, to determine
a single result or appropriate action. The leaves represent an optimal
segmentation of the branches above them according to a statistical
- key
- library reference
- libref
a SAS name that is associated with the location
of a SAS library. For example, in the name MYLIB.MYFILE, MYLIB is
the libref, and MYFILE is a file in the SAS library.
- lookup key
a value that uniquely identifies a specific record
and its order among other records in a database or table.
- lookup table
a table that contains lookup keys and their corresponding
- lookup value
the value that is associated with a lookup key
in a lookup table.
- metadata
descriptive data about data that is stored and
managed in a database, in order to facilitate access to captured and
archived data for further use.
- policy
a workflow element that associates event-driven
logic with a task or subflow. Policies are usually triggered automatically
by an event such as a status change or a timer event.
- publish
to register a business rule flow in a SAS metadata
- rule
- rule flow
a logical collection of multiple rule sets that
define multiple conditions and actions. Rule flows can be tested and
deployed as SAS programs and services that process input data, which
contain conditions, in order to create output data, which contain
- rule set
a logical group of business rules.
- SAS Content Server
a server that stores digital content (such as
documents, reports, and images) that is created and used by SAS client
applications. To interact with the server, clients use WebDAV-based
protocols for access, versioning, collaboration, security, and searching.
- SAS Metadata Repository
a container for metadata that is managed by the
SAS Metadata Server.
- SAS Metadata Server
a multi-user server that enables users to read
metadata from or write metadata to one or more SAS Metadata Repositories.
- swimlane
a workflow diagram element that enables you to
group tasks that are assigned to the same participant.
- task
a workflow element that associates executable
logic with an event such as a status change or timer event.
- task status
the outcome of a task in a workflow. The status
of a task (for example, Started, Canceled, Approved) is typically
used to trigger the next task.
- term
an attribute of a business entity. Terms might
or might not have a list of valid values. For example, a customer
entity might have terms such as account type or age. Valid values
for the account type term might include "commercial" or
- vocabulary
the set of business entities that define your
business domain.
- workflow
a series of tasks, together with the participants
and the logic that is required to execute the tasks. A workflow includes
policies, status values, and data objects.
- workflow definition
a workflow template that has been uploaded to
the server and activated. Workflow definitions are used by the SAS
Workflow Engine to create new workflow instances.
- workflow instance
a workflow that is running in the SAS Workflow
Engine. After a workflow template is uploaded to the server and activated,
client applications can use the template to create and run a new copy
of the workflow definition. Each new copy is a workflow instance.
- workflow template
a model of a workflow that has been saved to an
XML file.
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