Run the SAS Deployment Wizard

Follow the instructions provided in Add SAS Products That Require Configuration in SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide in order to complete the installation and configuration process for an upgrade.
When you run the SAS Deployment Wizard the second time, the following products are installed:
  • SAS Lineage Mid-Tier
  • SAS Micro Analytic Service Java Interfaces
  • SAS Micro Analytic Service Rest API
Note: In a multi-machine environment, the server products are typically installed on the SAS Application Server. The rest of the products are on the SAS Middle-Tier Server.
Note: If you are configuring multiple Web Application servers, SASServer13 is added to the deployment for the additional products, so be aware of the need for additional ports.
When you run the SAS Deployment Wizard the second time, verify the following:
  • Verify that you are using the new SAS installation data (SID) file. The SID file for your software (your order) is located in the sid_files directory at the root of your SAS Software Depot or, if you have received media, on the first disk of that installation media.
  • Verify that your plan file contains SAS Decision Manager Common products.
  • Before the configuration stage begins, make sure that the following SAS Services are started:
    • SAS Metadata Server
    • SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server
    • SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server (if you are not using Oracle for your database)
    • SAS Web Server (httpd - WebServer)
    • SAS Object Spawner
    • SAS JMS Broker
    • SAS Cache Locator
  • Verify that the following products are selected for configuration:
    Upgrading from Version 2.1
    Upgrading from Version 2.2 or Later
    SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server
    not applicable
    SAS Web Application Server Configuration
    SAS Lineage Mid-Tier
    SAS Help Viewer for Mid-Tier Applications
    SAS Decision Manager Common Mid-Tier for Decision Manager
    not applicable
    SAS Micro Analytic Service Rest API
Last updated: February 22, 2017