The SAS Intelligence Platform and SAS Business Rules Manager

The SAS Intelligence Platform architecture is a comprehensive, end-to-end infrastructure for creating, managing, and distributing enterprise intelligence. This architecture consists of the following tiers:
client tier
provides users with desktop access to data and functionality through easy-to-use interfaces. With SAS Business Rules Manager, users author rule sets and rule flows through the SAS Business Rules Manager Flex client.
middle tier
provides web-based interfaces for creating reports and distributing information, while passing analysis and processing requests to the SAS servers. The middle tier provides SAS Business Rules Manager services.
server tier
provides SAS servers that process data and handle client requests. For SAS Business Rules Manager, the server tier provides the SAS Business Rules Engine.
data tier
stores your data. The business rules database contains all of the data that the user enters through the SAS Business Rules Manager Flex client application.
The following figure shows how SAS Business Rules Manager is deployed on the SAS Intelligence Platform.
SAS Intelligence Platform Architecture and SAS Business Rules Manager
architecture diagram showing business rules flex client sending and receiving data through SAS Decision Manager. SAS Decision Manager communicates with SAS Business Rules Manager middle-tier components through the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform. SAS Business Rules Manager middle-tier components read and write data from the business rules database. All middle-tier components communicate with the metadata server.
SAS Business Rules Manager
the Flex client application for SAS Business Rules Manager. Through this client application, users author vocabularies, rule sets, and rule flows.
SAS Decision Manager
manages requests to SAS Business Rules Manager and provides general SAS Decision Manager functions such as data source and workflow management.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform
provides common SAS infrastructure services that SAS Business Rules Manager uses to authenticate users and to access services within the SAS platform.
SAS Business Rules Manager on the middle tier
manages communication with the business rules database and initiates the process of saving rule flows to the content repository.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server
serves as transactional storage for SAS middle-tier software and some SAS solutions software.
SAS Servers
SAS application servers that execute SAS code that is submitted from the middle-tier applications.
SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server
contains all of the data that users enter through the SAS Business Rules Manager client.
Metadata server
contains the BusinessRuleFlow public metadata objects that are created when a rule flow is published. These objects are used by the integrated SAS applications to execute rule flows.