Adding Files


A file can be a file of any type. You must add files to the SAS Content Server repository in order to make them available in the SAS Information Delivery Portal. Files enable portal users (who have access) to view a variety of document types in the portal. When a user selects a file for viewing, the browser displays it using the appropriate software based on the MIME type that is assigned to the file.
The following sections describe the steps to add files to the portal.

Step 1: Add the File to the SAS Content Server

Each user can view only the content that is located under the SAS base path root (/sasdav) and that has the appropriate access control configured (Read permission for the user).
You can add the file to a personal folder or to a group folder, as follows:
  • To add the file to the SAS Content Server repository for a user's personal access, follow these steps:
    1. Log on to SAS Information Delivery Portal as the user in order to create the user's personal repository directory on the SAS Content Server.
    2. Log on to the SAS Web Administration Console tool to access the SAS Content Server, and locate the appropriate user folder for the content.
    3. Use a WebDAV client tool, such as Microsoft Web Folders, to add content to the appropriate folder. You can also use the SAS DAVTree utility. For information about the DAVTree utility, see SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide.
  • To add the file to the WebDAV repository for group access, follow these steps:
    1. Determine which SAS groups will access the content.
    2. Use the SAS Web Administration Console to access the SAS Content Server, and to create the appropriate group folders for the content, and to assign the correct access permissions.
    3. Use a WebDAV client tool, such as Microsoft Web Folders, to add content to the appropriate folders. You can also use the SAS DAVTree utility. See Using the DAVTree Utility to Manage WebDAV Content in SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide.

Step 2: Implement Authorization (Access Control) for the File

Take any necessary steps to control access to the file by setting the appropriate permissions in the SAS Content Server.

Step 3: Make the File Available to Portal Users

Depending on who has access permission to the file, either you or a group content administrator can edit a portlet to add a file to a collection portlet on a page. You can share the portlet or the page with a group of users.
All users can also add a file to a collection portlet on a page in their personal portal view. Users might need to search for the file first. DAV files can be viewed with navigator portlets.
Users can also publish the file to a SAS Publication Channel and either add the SAS Publication Channel or SAS Package to a collection portlet, or add the Publication Channel Subscriptions Portlet to their portal.
For more information, see the portal's online Help.