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Administering SAS BI Dashboard

Overview of SAS BI Dashboard 4.3

SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 enables users to create, maintain, and view dashboards to monitor key performance indicators that convey how well an organization is performing. SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 includes an easy-to-use, drag and drop interface for creating dashboards that include graphics, text, colors, and hyperlinks. The application leverages Flash in the Rich Internet Application (RIA) architecture.

The Dashboard viewer enables users to:

Dashboards can link to:

With the ability to save favorite indicators and add comments, users can collaborate and easily access dashboards with customized information. All content is displayed in a role-based, secure, customizable, and extensible environment. For more information about SAS BI Dashboard 4.3, see the SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 User's Guide.

Here is an example dashboard that contains several indicators.

SAS BI Dashboard 4.3

[SAS BI Dashboard 4.3]

SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 uses the remote portlet architecture of SAS Information Delivery Portal. Dashboards can be displayed as SAS portlets in the SAS Information Delivery Portal or a JSR 168 compliant portal server such as the WebSphere Portal. For more information about SAS BI Portlets, see Using the SAS BI Portlets from a Portal. For more information about remote portlets, see Developing Portlets for the SAS Information Delivery Portal.

Using SAS BI Dashboard Portlet With the WebSphere Portal

The SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 portlet is installed along with other SAS BI Portlets. This portlet is compatible with JSR 168. Use of this portlet with the WebSphere Portal requires the completion of additional configuration and deployment steps before it can be accessed within the WebSphere Portal. SAS Information Delivery Portal must be installed and configured to enable the use of SAS BI Portlets from the WebSphere Portal. For more information, see Configuring SAS BI Portlets for the WebSphere Portal.

Location of Dashboards and Indicators after an Upgrade

If you upgraded to SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 from SAS BI Dashboard 3.1 or SAS BI Dashboard 4.2, dashboards and objects in the dashboard (such as indicators, models, and ranges) are saved in SAS Folders as metadata objects. Therefore, any dashboards that you created prior to SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 are saved as metadata objects. The default location for these metadata objects is the Products\BIDashboard 4.3 directory. This directory contains the DashboardConfigs, DashboardDisplayConfigs, Indicator Definitions, Model Configs, and RangeDefinitions subdirectories.

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