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User Import Macros

External Identities

An external identity is a synchronization key that facilitates coordination between identity entries in the metadata and identity entries in your authentication provider. If you use batch processes to coordinate metadata identity information with your authentication provider, external identities are set up and used as follows:

  1. In your authentication provider, you select a field to use for the mapping. This should be a field that contains a unique and unchanging value for each user, group, and role that you want to manage with batch processes. Typically, this is an identifier such as employee number.

  2. When you perform an initial import from your authentication provider into the metadata, the keyid values in the canonical tables become external identity values in the metadata. Each imported identity has at least one external identity value.

  3. During the synchronization process, external identity values that are extracted from the metadata are used as the keyid in the target tables. Because these values also exist in the extraction from your authentication provider, external identity values can be used to match corresponding entries in the two sets of tables.

Note:   In SAS Management Console, you can add, view, and manage these external identities from the General tab of each user, group, or role definition (roles aren't usually imported but are mentioned for completeness). This capability is useful for incorporating manually created identities into a batch synchronization process. See Scope of the Synchronization Process.  [cautionend]

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