Default Port Numbers for Third-Party Software

The following table shows the default port numbers for third-party software that is used with the SAS Intelligence Platform. For some servers, the SAS Deployment Wizard assigns the next available port number in the range if the default port number is already in use. In addition, the SAS Deployment Wizard allows different port numbers to be specified for any server. Therefore, your site might use different port numbers than the ones that are shown here.
Default Port Numbers and Descriptions for Third-Party Software
Default Port Value
Oracle WebLogic Server
WebLogic NodeManager port
Non-secure listen port for managed servers
7001, 7101 (additional managed servers increment by 100)
Secure listen port for managed servers
7002, 7102 (additional managed servers increment by 100)
Listen port for administration server
IBM WebSphere Application Server
SOAP port for administrative console
SOAP port for application servers
8880, 8881 (additional application servers increment by 1)
Secure HTTPS port for administrative console
Secure HTTPS ports for application server
9044, 9045 (additional application servers increment by 1)
Non-secure HTTP port for administrative console
Non-secure HTTP ports for application server
9080, 9081 (additional application servers increment by 1)
RMI port for administrative console
RMI ports for application servers
9811, 9812 (additional administrative consoles increment by 1)
JBoss Application Server
RMI port for managed servers
1099, 1199 (additional managed servers increment by 100)
Listen port for managed servers
8080, 8180 (additional managed servers increment by 100)
Secure listen port for managed servers
8443, 8543 (additional managed servers increment by 100)
Platform Suite for SAS
Platform Process Manager port1
Platform LSF ports
6878, 6881, 6882, 7869, 7870, 7871, 7872
Platform Grid Management Service port
1For information about how to change this value, see the Platform Process Manager documentation.