Capture Metadata Server Management Events in the System Facility Appender

The App.Meta.Mgmt logger logs metadata server management activity such as the following:
  • server operation actions such as pause, resume, and refresh
  • creation and deletion of repositories
  • modification of repository access modes
  • repository backup and migration
You might want to capture these events in your operating system facility. To do so, add an instance of the appropriate system facility appender to the metadata server's logging configuration file, and direct App.Meta.Mgmt events to that appender.
For Windows systems, add the following lines to the logging configuration file:
<appender name="eventLog" class="WindowsEventAppender">
      <param name="Threshold" value="Warn"/>
            <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{}:
<logger name="App.Meta.Mgmt">
       <level value="Info"/>
      <appender-ref ref="eventLog"/>
On UNIX systems, replace WindowsEventAppender with UNXFacilityAppender. On z/OS systems, replace WindowsEventAppender with ZOSFacilityAppender.