- access control template
a reusable named authorization pattern that you
can apply to multiple resources. An access control template consists
of a list of users and groups and indicates, for each user or group,
whether permissions are granted or denied. Short form: ACT.
See access control template .
- aggregation
a summary of detail data that is stored with or
referred to by a cube.
- ancestor logger
a logger that is at a higher level in relation
to other loggers in the logger hierarchy. For example, the Audit logger
is an ancestor logger of Audit.Meta and Audit.Authentication.
- appender
a named entity that represents a specific output
destination for messages. Destinations include fixed files, rolling
files, operating system facilities, and client applications.
- Application Response Measurement
the name of an application programming interface
that was developed by an industry partnership and which is used to
monitor the availability and performance of software applications.
ARM monitors the application tasks that are important to a particular
business. Short form: ARM.
See Application Response Measurement.
- authentication
the process of verifying the identity of a person
or process for security purposes.
- authentication domain
a SAS internal category that pairs logins with
the servers for which they are valid. For example, an Oracle server
and the SAS copies of Oracle credentials might all be classified as
belonging to an OracleAuth authentication domain.
- authorization
the process of determining which users have which
permissions for which resources. The outcome of the authorization
process is an authorization decision that either permits or denies
a specific action on a specific resource, based on the requesting
user's identity and group memberships.
- autocall macro
a macro whose uncompiled source code and text
are stored in an autocall macro library. Unlike a stored compiled
macro, an autocall macro is compiled before execution the first time
it is called.
- base path
the location, relative to a WebDAV server's URL,
in which packages are published and files are stored.
- batch mode
a noninteractive method of running SAS programs
by which a file (containing SAS statements along with any necessary
operating system commands) is submitted to the batch queue of the
operating environment for execution.
- cache
a small, fast memory area that holds recently
accessed data. The cache is designed to speed up subsequent access
to the same data.
- catalog
See SAS catalog.
- channel
a virtual communication path for distributing
information. In SAS, a channel is identified with a particular topic.
Using the features of the Publishing Framework, authorized users or
applications can publish digital content to the channel, and authorized
users and applications can subscribe to the channel in order to receive
the content.
- client application
an application that runs on a client machine.
- client-side pooling
a configuration in which the client application
maintains a collection of reusable workspace server processes.
- connection profile
a client-side definition of where a metadata server
is located. The definition includes a computer name and a port number.
In addition, the connection profile can also contain user connection
- conversion pattern
an expression that specifies an appender definition's
pattern layout. A conversion pattern consists of a combination of
user-supplied literal text and conversion specifiers.
- credentials
the user ID and password for an account that exists
in some authentication provider.
- cube
a logical set of data that is organized and structured
in a hierarchical, multidimensional arrangement to enable quick analysis
of data. A cube includes measures, and it can have numerous dimensions
and levels of data.
- custom repository
an optional metadata store for a SAS Metadata
Server that can be configured in addition to the foundation repository.
Custom repositories are useful for physically segregating metadata
for storage or security purposes.
- DATA step
in a SAS program, a group of statements that begins
with a DATA statement and that ends with either a RUN statement, another
DATA statement, a PROC statement, or the end of the job. The DATA
step enables you to read raw data or other SAS data sets and to create
SAS data sets.
- default access control template
the access control template (ACT) that controls
access to a particular repository and to resources for which definitive
access controls are not specified. You can designate one default ACT
for each metadata repository. The default ACT is also called the repository
- default ACT
See default access control template.
- descendant logger
a logger that is at a lower level in relation
to other loggers in the logger hierarchy. For example, Audit.Meta
and Audit.Authentication are descendant loggers of the Audit logger.
- development environment
a computing environment in which application developers
use software tools to write, compile, and debug programs.
- diagnostic level
the degree of severity of a log event that can
occur during SAS program processing. Examples of levels are trace,
debug, informational, warning, error, and fatal. Short form: level.
- domain
a database of users that has been set up by an
administrator by using a specific authentication provider such as
LDAP or the host operating system. The domain name should be unique
within your enterprise. For example, you should not have a Windows
domain and a UNIX domain that are both named "SALES".
- encryption
the act or process of converting data to a form
that is unintelligible except to the intended recipients.
- external file
a file that is created and maintained by a host
operating system or by another vendor's software application. An external
file can read both data and stored SAS statements.
- format
See SAS format.
- foundation repository
the metadata repository that is used to specify
metadata for global resources that can be shared by other repositories.
For example, a foundation repository is used to store metadata that
defines users and groups on the metadata server.
- foundation services
See SAS Foundation Services.
- generated transformation
in SAS Data Integration Studio, a transformation
that is created with the Transformation Generator wizard, which helps
you specify SAS code for the transformation.
- grid computing
a type of computing in which large computing tasks
are distributed among multiple computers on a network.
- home directory
the directory in which a user is placed after
logging in. The home directory is also called the login directory.
- identity
See metadata identity.
- information map
a collection of data items and filters that provides
a user-friendly view of a data source. When you use an information
map to query data for business needs, you do not have to understand
the structure of the underlying data source or know how to program
in a query language.
- Integrated Object Model
the set of distributed object interfaces that
make SAS software features available to client applications when SAS
is executed as an object server. Short form: IOM.
- Integrated Object Model server
a SAS object server that is launched in order
to fulfill client requests for IOM services. Short form: IOM server.
- Integrated Windows authentication
a Microsoft technology that facilitates use of
authentication protocols such as Kerberos. In the SAS implementation,
all participating components must be in the same Windows domain or
in domains that trust each other.
- internal account
a SAS account that you can create as part of a
user definition. Internal accounts are intended for metadata administrators
and some service identities; these accounts are not intended for regular
See Integrated Object Model.
- IOM server
See Integrated Object Model server.
- Java application
a stand-alone program that is written in the Java
programming language.
- job
a collection of SAS tasks that can create output.
- level
See diagnostic level.
- libref
a SAS name that is associated with the location
of a SAS library. For example, in the name MYLIB.MYFILE, MYLIB is
the libref, and MYFILE is a file in the SAS library.
- load balancing
for IOM bridge connections, a program that runs
in the object spawner and that uses an algorithm to distribute work
across object server processes on the same or separate machines in
a cluster.
- locale
a setting that reflects the language, local conventions,
and culture for a geographic region. Local conventions can include
specific formatting rules for paper sizes, dates, times, and numbers,
and a currency symbol for the country or region. Some examples of
locale values are French_Canada, Portuguese_Brazil, and Chinese_Singapore.
- logger
a named entity that identifies a message category.
Logger names have a hierarchical format that enables you to configure
logging at a broad or a fine-grained level.
- logging configuration
an XML file or a set of SAS program statements
that determines how log events are processed. You use the logging
configuration to assign thresholds to loggers, to configure appenders,
and to specify which categories and levels of log events are written
to each appender.
- logical server
the second-level object in the metadata for SAS
servers. A logical server specifies one or more of a particular type
of server component, such as one or more SAS Workspace Servers.
- login
a SAS copy of information about an external account.
Each login includes a user ID and belongs to one SAS user or group.
Most logins do not include a password.
- metadata
descriptive data about data that is stored and
managed in a database, in order to facilitate access to captured and
archived data for further use.
- metadata identity
a metadata object that represents an individual
user or a group of users in a SAS metadata environment. Each individual
and group that accesses secured resources on a SAS Metadata Server
should have a unique metadata identity within that server.
- metadata model
a definition of the metadata for a set of objects.
The model describes the attributes for each object, as well as the
relationships between objects within the model.
- metadata object
a set of attributes that describe a table, a server,
a user, or another resource on a network. The specific attributes
that a metadata object includes vary depending on which metadata model
is being used.
- metadata repository
a collection of related metadata objects, such
as the metadata for a set of tables and columns that are maintained
by an application. A SAS Metadata Repository is an example.
- metadata server
a server that provides metadata management services
to one or more client applications. A SAS Metadata Server is an example.
- middle tier
in a SAS business intelligence system, the architectural
layer in which Web applications and related services execute. The
middle tier receives user requests, applies business logic and business
rules, interacts with processing servers and data servers, and returns
information to users.
- migrate
to populate a new deployment of SAS software with
the content, data, or metadata (or a combination of these) from an
existing deployment. Migrating might include upgrading to a new software
release, converting data or metadata, or other changes to ensure compatibility.
- migration
the process of moving data to a different server
or storage device, converting the data for use in a different operating
environment, or both. In a broader sense, the migration process can
also include installing the newer software and converting applications
for use with that software.
- object spawner
a program that instantiates object servers that
are using an IOM bridge connection. The object spawner listens for
incoming client requests for IOM services. When the spawner receives
a request from a new client, it launches an instance of an IOM server
to fulfill the request. Depending on which incoming TCP/IP port the
request was made on, the spawner either invokes the administrator
interface or processes a request for a UUID (Universal Unique Identifier).
See online analytical processing.
- OLAP schema
a container for OLAP cubes. A cube is assigned
to an OLAP schema when it is created, and an OLAP schema is assigned
to a SAS OLAP Server when the server is defined in the metadata. A
SAS OLAP Server can access only the cubes that are in its assigned
OLAP schema.
- online analytical processing
a software technology that enables users to dynamically
analyze data that is stored in multidimensional database tables (cubes).
- planned deployment
a method of installing and configuring a SAS business
intelligence system. This method requires a deployment plan that contains
information about the different hosts that are included in the system
and the software and SAS servers that are to be deployed on each host.
The deployment plan then serves as input to the SAS Deployment Wizard.
- plug-in
a file that modifies, enhances, or extends the
capabilities of an application program. The application program must
be designed to accept plug-ins, and the plug-ins must meet design
criteria specified by the developers of the application program.
- pool
a group of server connections that can be shared
and reused by multiple client applications. A client-side pool consists
of one or more puddles.
- pooling
the act or process of creating a pool.
- portlet
a Web component that is managed by a Web application
and that is aggregated with other portlets to form a page within the
application. Portlets can process requests from the user and generate
dynamic content.
- production environment
a computing environment in which previously tested
and validated software is used (typically on a daily basis) by its
intended consumers.
- project repository
a metadata repository that serves as an individual
work area or playpen. In general, each user who participates in change
management has an individual project repository. (Project repositories
are available for SAS Data Integration Studio only.)
- promotion
the process of copying selected metadata and associated
content within or between planned deployments of SAS software. This
process is repeatable for a particular deployment.
- publish
to deliver electronic information, such as files
and system-generated events, to one or more destinations. These destinations
can include e-mail addresses, message queues, publication channels
and subscribers, WebDAV-compliant servers, and archive locations.
- puddle
a group of servers that are started and run using
the same login credentials. Each puddle can also allow a group of
clients to access the servers.
- resource template
an XML file that specifies the information that
is needed for creating a metadata definition for a SAS resource.
- role
a set of capabilities. In some applications, certain
actions are available only to users or groups that have a particular
- root logger
the highest-level logger in the logger hierarchy.
In a logging configuration, all other loggers inherit the root logger's
- SAS Application Server
a logical entity that represents the SAS server
tier, which in turn comprises servers that execute code for particular
tasks and metadata objects.
- SAS catalog
a SAS file that stores many different kinds of
information in smaller units called catalog entries. A single SAS
catalog can contain different types of catalog entries.
- SAS configuration directory
the location where configuration information for
a SAS deployment is stored. The configuration directory contains configuration
files, logs, scripts, repository files, and other items for the SAS
software that is installed on the machine.
- SAS Content Server
a server that stores digital content (such as
documents, reports, and images) that is created and used by SAS client
applications. To interact with the server, clients use WebDAV-based
protocols for access, versioning, collaboration, security, and searching.
- SAS data set
a file whose contents are in one of the native
SAS file formats. There are two types of SAS data sets: SAS data files
and SAS data views. SAS data files contain data values in addition
to descriptor information that is associated with the data. SAS data
views contain only the descriptor information plus other information
that is required for retrieving data values from other SAS data sets
or from files whose contents are in other software vendors' file formats.
- SAS Deployment Manager
a cross-platform utility that manages SAS deployments.
The SAS Deployment Manager supports functions such as updating passwords
for your SAS deployment, rebuilding SAS Web applications, and removing
- SAS Deployment Wizard
a cross-platform utility that installs and initially
configures many SAS products. Using a SAS installation data file and,
when appropriate, a deployment plan for its initial input, the wizard
prompts the customer for other necessary input at the start of the
session, so that there is no need to monitor the entire deployment.
- SAS format
a type of SAS language element that applies a
pattern to or executes instructions for a data value to be displayed
or written as output. Types of formats correspond to the data's type:
numeric, character, date, time, or timestamp. The ability to create
user-defined formats is also supported. Examples of SAS formats are
BINARY and DATE. Short form: format.
- SAS Foundation
the superset of all SAS software that is installable
with the Base SAS installation. For a particular customer, the SAS
Foundation is a collection of software consisting of the members of
that superset required to support the deployment that the customer
- SAS Framework Data Server
a database server that is the default location
for middle-tier data such as alerts, comments, and workflows, as well
as data for the SAS Content Server and SAS Service Parts Optimization.
The server is provided as an alternative to using a third-party DBMS.
The server cannot be used as a general-purpose data store.
- SAS Foundation Services
a set of core infrastructure services that programmers
can use in developing distributed applications that are integrated
with the SAS platform. These services provide basic underlying functions
that are common to many applications. These functions include making
client connections to SAS application servers, dynamic service discovery,
user authentication, profile management, session context management,
metadata and content repository access, activity logging, event management,
information publishing, and stored process execution.
- SAS library
one or more files that are defined, recognized,
and accessible by SAS and that are referenced and stored as a unit.
Each file is a member of the library.
- SAS log
a file that contains a record of the SAS statements
that you enter, as well as messages about the execution of your program.
- SAS Management Console
a Java application that provides a single user
interface for performing SAS administrative tasks.
- SAS Metadata Model
a collection of metadata types that are used for
saving information about application elements.
- SAS Metadata Repository
a container for metadata that is managed by the
SAS Metadata Server.
- SAS Metadata Server
a multi-user server that enables users to read
metadata from or write metadata to one or more SAS Metadata Repositories.
- SAS OLAP Cube Studio
a Java interface for defining and building OLAP
cubes in SAS System 9 or later. Its main feature is the Cube Designer
wizard, which guides you through the process of registering and creating
- SAS OLAP Server
a SAS server that provides access to multidimensional
data. The data is queried using the multidimensional expressions (MDX)
- SAS Open Metadata Architecture
a general-purpose metadata management facility
that provides metadata services to SAS applications. The SAS Open
Metadata Architecture enables applications to exchange metadata, which
makes it easier for these applications to work together.
- SAS Open Metadata Interface
a set of methods that enable users to read metadata
from or write metadata to the SAS Metadata Server.
- SAS Pooled Workspace Server
a SAS Workspace Server that is configured to use
server-side pooling. In this configuration, the SAS object spawner
maintains a collection of workspace server processes that are available
for clients.
- SAS Stored Process
a SAS program that is stored on a server and defined
in metadata, and which can be executed by client applications. Short
form: stored process.
- SAS Stored Process Server
a SAS IOM server that is launched in order to
fulfill client requests for SAS Stored Processes.
- SAS table
another term for SAS data set.
- SAS token authentication
a process in which the metadata server generates
and verifies SAS identity tokens to provide single sign-on to other
SAS servers. Each token is a single-use, proprietary software representation
of an identity.
- SAS Workspace Server
a SAS IOM server that is launched in order to
fulfill client requests for IOM workspaces.
- SAS/CONNECT server
a SAS session that delivers services, data, or
other resources to a requesting client. The server can run on the
same computer as the client, or on a networked computer.
- SAS/CONNECT spawner
a program that runs on a remote computer and that
listens for SAS/CONNECT client requests for connection to the remote
computer. When the spawner program receives a request, it invokes
a SAS session on the remote computer.
- SAS/SHARE server
the result of an execution of the SERVER procedure,
which is part of SAS/SHARE software. A server runs in a separate SAS
session that services users' SAS sessions by controlling and executing
input and output requests to one or more SAS libraries.
- server tier
in a SAS business intelligence system, the tier
in which the SAS servers execute. Examples of such servers are the
SAS Metadata Server, the SAS Workspace Server, the SAS Pooled Workspace
Server, the SAS Stored Process Server, and the SAS OLAP Server. These
servers are typically accessed either by clients or by Web applications
that are running in the middle tier.
- server-side pooling
a configuration in which a SAS object spawner
maintains a collection of reusable workspace server processes that
are available for clients. The usage of servers in this pool is governed
by the authorization rules that are set on the servers in the SAS
- source code repository
the location on the application server that contains
stored process source code.
- source metadata server
the metadata server from which metadata is promoted
or replicated.
- spawner
See object spawner.
- stored process
See SAS Stored Process.
- subscriber
a recipient of information that is published to
a SAS publication channel.
- target metadata server
the metadata server to which the metadata is promoted
or replicated.
- thread
a single path of execution of a process that runs
on a core on a CPU.
- threshold
the lowest event level that is processed. Log
events whose levels are below the threshold are ignored.
- transformation
in data integration, an operation that extracts
data, transforms data, or loads data into data stores.
- trusted user
a privileged service account that can act on behalf
of other users on a connection to the metadata server.
See Universal Naming Convention.
- Universal Naming Convention
a naming standard that is used to specify the
file or directory path for networked computing resources such as servers,
databases, and peripheral devices. UNC uses the format \\server-name\shared-resource-pathname.
Short form: UNC.
- unrestricted identity
a user or group that has all capabilities and
permissions in the metadata environment due to membership in the META:
Unrestricted Users Role (or listing in the adminUsers.txt file with
a preceding asterisk).
- Web application
an application that is accessed via a Web browser
over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. SAS Web applications
are Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) applications that are delivered
via Web application archive (WAR) files. The applications can depend
on Java and non-Java Web technologies.
- Web-distributed authoring and versioning
a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that
enables users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote Web
servers. Short form: WebDAV.
- WebDAV
See Web-distributed authoring and versioning.
- WebDAV repository
a collection of files that are stored on a Web
server so that authorized users can access them.
- workspace
in the IOM object hierarchy for a SAS Workspace
Server, an object that represents a single session in SAS.
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