Create Service Accounts and an Access Group

  1. In the operating system, create two service accounts that can be authenticated by the workspace server’s host:
    rpooladm is the pool administrator account, which handles requests for processes in the restricted workspace server’s client-side pool.
    rpoolsrv is the puddle login account, which functions as the launch credential for the restricted workspace server’s client-side pool.
    On Windows, give these accounts the Log on as a batch job Windows privilege (for example, if you have a SAS Server Users host group, you can simply add these accounts to that group). You can use domain accounts or local accounts.
  2. In SAS Management Console, on the Plug-ins tab, use the User Manager to create the following identities:
    • User: Restricted Pool Administrator
      On the Accounts tab, add a new login that contains the rpooladm user ID and no password. Assign this login to the authentication domain of your workspace server.
    • Group: Restricted Puddle Login Group
      • On the Accounts tab, add a new login that contains the rpoolsrv user ID and password. Assign this login to the authentication domain of your workspace server.
      • On the Members tab, make the Restricted Pool Administrator a member of the group.
    • Group: Restricted Puddle Access Group
      On the Members tab, make the users and groups that will use the restricted pool members of the group. This group does not need any logins.
    On Windows, remember to qualify the user ID that you store in each login (for example, WIN\rpoolsrv).