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Servers in the SAS Intelligence Platform

Server Objects, Application Servers, and Logical Servers

In the SAS Metadata Repository, each server process that executes SAS code is represented by a server object. In the metadata, the attributes for each server object contain information such as the following:

The intermediate level of organization is called a logical server object. SAS servers of a particular type, running either on the same machine or on different machines, can be grouped into a logical server of the corresponding type. For example:

The logical servers are then grouped into a SAS Application Server. The following figure shows a sample configuration:

SAS Application Server Components: Sample Configuration

[SAS Application Server Components: Sample Configuration]

Application servers and logical servers are logical constructs that exist only in metadata. In contrast, the server objects within a logical server correspond to actual server processes that execute SAS code.

Purpose of the Application Server Grouping

Application servers, which are groupings of logical servers, provide the following functionality in the SAS Intelligence Platform:

Purpose of the Logical Server Grouping

Logical servers, which are groupings of individual servers of a specific type, provide the following functionality in the SAS Intelligence Platform:

For more information about SAS Application Servers, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Application Server Administration Guide.

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