SAS Web Infrastructure Platform

About the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform

The SAS Web Infrastructure Platform is a collection of services and applications that provide common infrastructure and integration features to be used by SAS Web applications. These services and applications provide the following benefits:
  • consistency in installation, configuration, and administration tasks for Web applications
  • greater consistency in users' interactions with Web applications
  • integration among Web applications as a result of the ability to share common resources
For a description of the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform services and applications, see SAS Web Infrastructure Platform.

SAS Preferences Manager

The SAS Preferences Manager is a Web application that provides a central facility for users to manage their preferences and settings.
You can invoke the application by using the following URL address:
Users of SAS Information Delivery Portal can invoke the SAS Preferences Manager from within the portal. For instructions, see the product Help.
The following figure shows a generic preferences application. The actual preferences that are available vary depending on the software that is installed. The SAS Preferences Manager at your site might have additional settings.
SAS Preferences Manager Console
Preferences Manager Web application
Here are the generic settings:
Specify a theme for the applications. A theme includes settings for colors, fonts, and graphics.
Users can also specify the format for notifications that are generated by SAS applications and solutions.
Select the locale (language and country) that you prefer.
Select the preferred format for dates, time, and currency.
Specify the position of the portal navigation bar in the SAS Information Delivery Portal. You can also specify the sort order for packages that are published in the portal. You can sort packages in descending order (newest packages are at the top) or in ascending order (oldest packages are at the top).

SAS Comment Manager

The SAS Comment Manager can be used by SAS Web applications to capture user comments. For example, in SAS Web Report Studio, the Filethen selectComments menu item enables users to add comments to reports and graphs.
By default, all users who can log on to an application that uses the SAS Comment Manager can view and create comments. As an administrator, you might also want to edit and delete comments. Editing and deleting comments are considered administrative functions.
To edit and delete comments, you must belong to the predefined role, Comments:Administrator. This role includes the capabilities of editing or deleting comments. Users that have a need to edit or delete comments should be assigned to this role.
Note: Due to possible conflicts that can occur when multiple users delete comments in the same comment thread, the best practice is to limit the number of users to just a few.
To edit or delete a comment, follow these steps:
  1. Select the comment in the left pane of SAS Comment Manager.
  2. To edit the comment, in the right pane, click Edit. An Edit Comment page opens in which you can make changes. When you are finished, click Save.
  3. To delete the comment, in the right pane, click Delete. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
The following figure shows an example of SAS Comment Manager with a comment displayed.
SAS Comment Manager
SAS Comment Manager