Review SAS Deployment Wizard Documents, Reports, and Logs

During configuration of SAS 9.3 the SAS Deployment Wizard creates various documents that can help you identify any remaining configuration tasks and errors. Use the following documents to perform any manual configuration steps and correct any configuration errors:
  • Instructions.html
    contains a list of SAS manual steps that must be performed to complete your deployment. Instructions.html resides under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Documents subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Documents).
  • DeploymentSummary.html
    contains a list of the deployment tasks performed by the SAS Deployment Wizard and a brief status for each. The deployment summary is one source for a list of all the SAS products installed and configured in addition to information such as servers started, Web applications built, and Web applications deployed. DeploymentSummary.html resides under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Documents subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Documents).
  • ConfigurationErrors.html
    contains a list of configuration errors that require further attention. ConfigurationErrors.html resides under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Documents subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Documents).
  • Configuration logs (as needed)
    provide a finer list of errors for each SAS component that the SAS Deployment Wizard migrates and configures. There is one log file for each SAS component. The configuration logs reside under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Logs/Configure subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Logs\Configure).
    logs SAS Deployment Wizard messages, which can be used for general troubleshooting. The deployment wizard log is written to the following path:
    • Windows:
      \Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\SAS\SASDeploymentWizard
    • Windows (Vista only):
    • UNIX:
  • logCrossplatformOutput.log
    Generated when migrating from one version of an operating system to another (within families: Windows to Windows or UNIX to UNIX). Outlines parameters passed to MIGRATE and CIMPORT along with the corresponding logs generated by these two SAS procedures. logCrossplatformOutput.log resides under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Logs/Configure subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Logs\Configure).
  • logPermissionsOutput.log
    Generated when migrating from one version of an operating system to another (within families: Windows to Windows or UNIX to UNIX). The result of applying all permission migration commands is logged to this file. It shows which commands failed along with the console error for the same. logPermissionsOutput.log resides under the SAS configuration directory in the Levn/Logs/Configure subdirectory (for example: C:\SAS\Config92\Lev1\Logs\Configure).
  • Levn/Temp subdirectory
    All the failed permission commands that are run during the migration are persisted in this subdirectory. You should review the output in this directory. If you encounter any failed attempts, you should make the necessary modification and rerun the commands. For example, if the command failed due to an invalid user on the target machine, either create the user and rerun the command file or change the user ID to the actual new user and rerun the command file.
  • Levn/Temp/unmoved subdirectory
    All files that have not been migrated by PROC MIGRATE are written here. Typically, a file is written here because it is unsupported by PROC MIGRATE or the file is corrupt. Refer to logCrossPlatformOutput.log to further diagnose the problem.