Back Up Your Current SAS System

As a best practice, we recommend that you make sure that you have an up-to-date operating system backup of your current SAS deployment. If you have a multi-machine deployment, this means your SAS Metadata Server machine, server tier, middle tier, and data tier.
On each machine, make sure that you have backed up the following directories:
  • SAS installation directory (SAS Home) and all of its child directories (for example, C:\Program Files\SAS).
  • SAS configuration directory and all of its child directories (for example, C:\SAS\configuration-directory\Levn).
On the metadata server machine, back up the earlier listed directories plus all metadata repositories.
For more information, see Best Practices for Backing Up and Restoring Your SAS Content in SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
For all backups that you make, follow your site's established backup procedures.
As you would with any backup, run these backups through your site's validation procedures to be confident of their integrity before proceeding with your SAS migration.