The SAS BI Dashboard Viewer Interface

Your First Look at the SAS BI Dashboard Viewer Interface

The following figure shows how the SAS BI Dashboard viewer appears in the following scenarios:
SAS BI Dashboard Viewer Initial Interface
Initial interface of the SAS BI Dashboard viewer
1 Banner.
2 Menu. For more information, see The Menu.
3 Workspace. The dashboard appears in the workspace.

The Interface Displaying a Dashboard

After you choose a dashboard or indicator for viewing, the SAS BI Dashboard viewer interface provides additional features.
SAS BI Dashboard Viewer Interface with a Dashboard Displayed
SAS BI Dashboard viewer interface with a dashboard displayed
1 Banner.
2 Menu. For more information, see The Menu.
3 Navigation buttons. For more information, see Navigate among Multiple Dashboards or Indicators.
4 Dashboard title bar. If you view a dashboard, its title appears here. If you open an indicator, the title bar displays the indicator title. The title bar also provides the following icons:
5 Indicators. For more information, see The Indicator.

The Menu

The menu provides tasks and features to use while viewing a dashboard.
Provides ways to control how you view a dashboard.
For more information, see Working with Favorites.
Provides information about the product and a link to the SAS BI Dashboard product Web page. This page provides product documentation and other support information. The menu also provides links to SAS customer support and the SAS home page.
Manage Dashboards
For more information, see Manage and Design Dashboards.

The Indicator

The indicator provides the following features:
Indicator Interface
Indicator interface
1 Indicator title bar.
2 Comments. If comments are attached to an indicator, this icon appears on the title bar. For more information, see Creating Comments and Replying.
3 Zoom. For more information, see Zoom In on an Indicator.
4 Options menu. Each indicator title bar provides the Options menu. However, the options that are available can vary depending on how the indicator is customized by the dashboard designer.