Setting Up a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet


The SAS BI Dashboard portlet is supported by the following portals:
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • WebSphere Portal
Before you can access the SAS BI Dashboard portlet, you must log on to the SAS Information Delivery Portal and create a portal page. Then you can add a SAS BI Dashboard portlet in which to view a dashboard.
After you set up a SAS BI Dashboard portlet, you can access the portlet by logging on to your portal.

Log On to the SAS Information Delivery Portal

To log on to the SAS Information Delivery Portal, complete the following steps:
  1. Open your browser and type the Web address for the portal.
    Note: To obtain the Web address, contact your portal administrator.
    The Log On page appears.
  2. Type your user name and password.
  3. Click Log On. Your personal portal opens. Typically, most portal users see a page that contains a collection portlet (My Collection) and a bookmark portlet (Bookmarks).

Create a Page

To create a new portal page to contain the SAS BI Dashboard portlet, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Customizethen selectAdd Page. The Add Pages to Profile page appears.
    Add Pages to Profile page
  2. On the Create tab, type descriptive information about the page:
    is a short name that appears in the page tab in the navigation bar.
    is a short description that appears along with the page title in search results.
    are single words that you or other users can use to search for this page. Use spaces to separate keywords from one another.
    Note: To ensure efficient searching, develop a list of standard keywords and use these keywords consistently.
    Page rank
    is a number that indicates the importance of this page as compared to other pages. The default value is 100.
    This number determines the order in which pages are listed in the navigation bar. The pages are ordered by rank from lowest to highest. Pages that have equal rank are listed in the order in which they were created.
    Location (group)
    specifies the group with which to share the page. If you select a value in the Location (group) field, the Share type field appears.
    Note: This list appears only if you are a group content administrator or a portal administrator.
    • To share with everyone, select Public from the list. However, sharing a portal page among potentially hundreds or more users can impact performance. To share with a select group of users, consider using the Templates feature. For more information, see the SAS Information Delivery Portal documentation.
    • This selection supports sharing with only one group at a time. To share with more than one group, you must have authorization manager capability in SAS Management Console. In SAS Management Console Permissions, expand Authorization Managerthen selectBy Typethen selectPSPortletPage. Click your new portal page. In the View Properties dialog box, on the Authorization tab, add any users and groups to share. Click OK.
    Share type
    indicates how the page is shared with users.
    Note: This list appears only if you are a group content administrator and have made a selection in the Location (group) list.
    This list provides the following options:
    Users in the group can find the page using Search. They can add the page if needed.
    Users in the group automatically see the page the next time they log on to the portal. Users can remove the page from the navigation bar if the page is not needed.
    Users in the group automatically see the page the next time they log on to the portal. However, users cannot remove the page from the navigation bar.
  3. Click Add. A message appears, indicating that a new page was added.
  4. Click Done. The new empty page appears in the portal.

Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to the Page

A portal page can contain multiple portlets. Portlets can contain the following types of content:
  • HTML
  • Adobe Flash
Typically, multiple HTML-based portlets on a portal page do not impact performance. However, each Flash-based portlet must initialize Flash in the client. Therefore, multiple Flash-based portlets on a portal page can impact performance. To avoid a performance impact, do not add multiple portlets that contain Flash-based content to a single portal page. Starting with version 4.3, the SAS BI Dashboard portlet contains Flash-based content.
To add a SAS BI Dashboard portlet to a page, complete the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the SAS Information Delivery Portal page to which you want to add a portlet.
  2. Click Customizethen selectEdit Pagethen selectEdit Page Content. The Edit Page Content page appears.
    Edit Page Content page
  3. Click Add Portlets. The Add Portlets to Page page appears.
  4. From the Portlet type list, select SAS BI Dashboard Portlet.
  5. Type the name, description, and keywords, if any.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Done.
  8. On the Edit Page Content page, click OK. The new portlet appears on the page displaying the portlet dashboard viewer.
    New SAS BI Dashboard portlet

Select a Dashboard

To select a dashboard for viewing, complete the following steps:
  1. In the SAS BI Dashboard portlet title bar, click Edit Content icon. The Edit Portlet page appears.
    Edit Portlet page
  2. From the tree, select a dashboard. This list includes dashboards created by your organization. When you select a dashboard, its properties appear in the Basic properties table below the tree.
    Note: You can select only those dashboards that you are authorized to view.
  3. (Optional) You can change the size of the portlet so it is easier to view on the portal page. Type the new dimensions in the Dashboard width and Dashboard height fields.
    Note: You cannot edit the Portlet title field.
  4. (Optional) You can change how the dashboard is automatically refreshed. For more information, see Change How a Dashboard Is Automatically Refreshed.
  5. Click OK. The dashboard appears in the portlet.
    Dashboard appears in SAS BI Dashboard portlet