Register Resources as Input to SAS Information Maps

Tables, Cubes, and Stored Processes

SAS Information Map Studio accesses tables, cubes, and stored processes through the SAS Metadata Server. These resources are available only if they are registered in the metadata.
The following restrictions apply to these resources:
  • Tables must be uniquely named and must be associated with a library that is assigned to a SAS Application Server. The tables can be any combination of SAS data sets and third-party relational database tables.
  • SAS OLAP cubes must be uniquely named and must be associated with an OLAP schema that is assigned to a SAS Application Server.
  • Stored processes must be on the same SAS Application Server as the tables that are used by the information map. The stored process must be hosted by a SAS Workspace Server.

User-Defined Formats

If you have existing SAS data sets, you might also have a catalog of user-defined formats and informats. You have two options for making these formats available to applications such as SAS Information Map Studio:
  • Give the format catalog a standard name and place it in an expected location. This is the preferred method.
  • Create a user-defined formats configuration file, and use the FMTSEARCH system option to point to the format catalog.
For detailed instructions about both options, see “Connecting to Common Data Sources” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Data Administration Guide.