Analyzing Your SAS Session with the SAS Log |
Understanding and Customizing SAS Output: The Basics shows you how to customize your output. Except in an interactive session,
you can also customize the log by using the PAGE and SKIP statements. Use
the PAGE statement to move to a new page on the log; use the SKIP statement
to skip lines on the log. With the SKIP statement, specify the number of lines
that you want to skip; if you do not specify a number, then one line is skipped.
If the number that you specify exceeds the number of lines remaining on the
page, then SAS treats the SKIP statement like a PAGE statement and skips to
the top of the next page. The PAGE and SKIP statements do not appear on the
The following output shows the result if a PAGE statement
is inserted before the PROC PRINT step in the previous example:
Using the PAGE Statement
456 options source notes errors=20;
458 data out.sat_scores5;
459 infile
459! '/dept/pub/doc/901/authoring/basess/miscsrc/rawdata/sat_scores.raw';
460 input test $ gender year score @@;
461 run;
NOTE: The infile
Owner Name=userid,Group Name=dev,
Access Permission=rw-r--r--,
File Size (bytes)=1998
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 1 8-8.
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7
1 Verbal m 1972 531 Verbal f 1972 529 36
test=Verbal gender=. year=1972 score=531 _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 1 27-27.
test=Verbal gender=. year=1972 score=529 _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 2 8-8.
2 Verbal m 1973 523 Verbal f 1973 521 36
test=Verbal gender=. year=1973 score=523 _ERROR_=1 _N_=3
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 2 27-27.
test=Verbal gender=. year=1973 score=521 _ERROR_=1 _N_=4
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 10 8-8.
10 Verbal m 1981 508 Verbal f 1981 496 36
test=Verbal gender=. year=1981 score=508 _ERROR_=1 _N_=19
NOTE: Invalid data for gender in line 10 27-27.
ERROR: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached. Further errors of this type will
not be printed.
test=Verbal gender=. year=1981 score=496 _ERROR_=1 _N_=20
NOTE: 54 records were read from the infile
The minimum record length was 36.
The maximum record length was 36.
NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a
NOTE: The data set OUT.SAT_SCORES5 has 108 observations and 4 variables.
465 proc print;
466 by test;
467 run;
ERROR: Data set OUT.SAT_SCORES5 is not sorted in ascending sequence. The
current by-group has test = Verbal and the next by-group has test = Math.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: There were 55 observations read from the data set OUT.SAT_SCORES5.
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