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Setting Up and Customizing Master and Group Profiles

Creating and Updating Group Profiles

  1. Select Create Group Profile... from the Tools menu of the Master/Group Profile window to create a new Group profile. The Create Group Profile window appears as shown in the following display.

    Create Group Profile Window

    [Create Group Profile Window]

  2. Type the name of the Group profile, a description, and a catalog for storage in the Create Group Profile window. The default catalog name is ASSIST.

  3. Type the location of the SAS library to contain the catalog in the Physical name of SAS library field. The library must already exist or the profile is not saved.

  4. Select OK. The Group profile is created, and you return to the Master/Group Profile window with the Group profile displayed. The Name and Description fields of the Master/Group Profile window show the name and description of the Group profile.

  5. Select Update User Group... from the Tools menu to add users to a Group profile. The Update User Group window is shown in the following display.

    Update User Group Window

    [Update User Group Window]

    You can add users to a group or delete users from a group in this window. To add a user, type in a userid on the blank line and press ENTER. To delete a user, space over the userid to be deleted and press ENTER. The example in the previous display shows the ACCOUNT group with three users.

  6. Select OK to save your results and return to the Master/Group Profile window when you are finished updating your user group.

    Note:   A user can belong to only one group at a time. For example, if a user already belongs to a group and is added to a new group, that user is automatically removed from the old group.  [cautionend]

Userids are stored in a SAS table called USER that is located in the same library as the Master profile. The table contains the columns USERID and GROUPID. The USER table can be updated within SAS/ASSIST software using the Update User Group window. You can also use a SAS program to populate the USER table with userids for various groups, for example:

libname libref 'physical filename';  
data libref.user(keep=userid groupid);    
   set data_set_name;    

In the previous code, libref is the libref you chose to represent the library that contains the Master profile. physical filename is the physical filename of the location of the library containing the Master profile. data_set_name is the name of the table containing the IDs that you want to add to various user groups. In the example program, this table has a column called DEPT that contains the name of each employee's department, such as FINANCE, SALES, or MARKETING. This table also contains a column called EMPID that contains the userids for each employee. This program puts any employee userids who are in the FINANCE department into the Finance group. It also puts any employee userids who are in the SALES or MARKETING department into the Sales group.

Modifying Group Profiles

After you create a Group profile, you can modify its description. You can also change its storage location by altering the catalog and the physical name of the SAS library. To modify a Group profile, select Modify Group Profile... from the Tools menu of the Master/Group Profile window. The following display shows the Group profile ACCOUNT in the Modify Group window. Note that the profile name cannot be modified.

Modify Group Profile Window

[Modify Group Profile Window]

After you make your changes to the Group profile, select OK to save your changes and return to the Master/Group Profile window.

Deleting Group Profiles

You can delete a Group profile by selecting Delete Group Profile... from the Tools menu. In order to delete a Group profile, the Master profile must be the open profile. For details on opening the Master profile, see Editing the Options for Existing Master and Group Profiles. To delete a Group profile, select Delete Group Profile... from the Tools menu of the Master/Group Profile window. A list of profiles appears as shown in the following display. Notice that the Master profile is the open profile.

Delete Group Profile Window

[Delete Group Profile Window]

When you select a profile for deletion, a window prompts you to confirm or cancel the DELETE operation. Select Yes to proceed with the DELETE operation or No to cancel the operation. If users are still connected to the Group profile that is to be deleted, then a message appears, indicating that users are still controlled by the profile. If you continue and delete the group, the group is deleted, but the users are not deleted from the table that contains the userids for each group.

You can also use a SAS program to delete all users of a given group from the USER table, for example:

libname libref 'physical filename';  
data libref.user;    
   set libref.user;    
   if groupid='name-of-groupid'       
   then delete; 

In the previous code, libref is the libref you chose to represent the library that contains the Master profile. physical filename is the physical filename of the location of the library that contains the Master profile. name_of_groupid is the name of the group whose users you want to delete from the group.

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