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Setting Up and Customizing Master and Group Profiles

Creating a Master Profile

The Master profile controls User profiles and Group profiles. Creating a Master profile requires write access to the SASHELP library. Typically, the SAS administrator or DBA creates a Master profile by completing the following steps. For some operating environments, these steps may have been completed during installation. Refer to the SAS installation instructions for your operating environment for additional information.

  1. Type the physical pathname of the SAS library that will store the Master profile on line 1 of the Program Editor window of the SAS windowing environment. You must have WRITE access to this library.

  2. Save this text to a file named SASHELP.QASSIST.PARMS.SOURCE by selecting Save As Object... from the File menu of the Program Editor window. In the Save As Object window, select the Sashelp library, then the Qassist catalog. Type parms in the Entry Name field, leave the Entry Type as the default value SOURCE , and select Save.

  3. Invoke SAS/ASSIST software. The Master profile is created and stored in the QASSIST catalog in the SAS library you specified in the SASHELP.QASSIST.PARMS.SOURCE entry.

To make changes to the Master profile, use the Master/Group Profile window.

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